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This is a question Advice from Old People

Sometimes, just sometimes, old people say something worth listening to. Ok, so it's like picking the needle out of a whole haystack of mis-remembered war stories, but those gems should be celebrated.

Tell us something worthwhile an old-type person has told you.

Note, we're leaving the definition of old up to you, you smooth-skinned youngsters.

(, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:16)
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I have long hair
I'm going to talk about my hair again to wind up those who found it so offensive last time..

I'm a regular at an old man type pub. I'm a lot younger than most of the other regulars but I don't mind because it's the only place in town I can just turn up on my own and have random conversations with people I hardly know without getting strange looks. The real ale is excellent and I get a lot of kudos for drinking it.

I also have long hair. For people like Spimf's benefit, I will describe it: it's like three-times Bill Bailey's hair; it extends below my man-boobs; it is thick, dense and luxuriantly streaked with what look like blonde highlights but are just the effect of sun on it; it is a mane. Understandably it gets a lot of attention; less understandably (to me) a lot of this attention is hostile.

This last week one particular duffer has made it his mission to drum into my head the virtues of his own crew cut. He's not just taking the piss; he's actually offended by the hair and wants to convert me to his way of thinking. Last night he stared at me in amazement for a full ten minutes in a drunken stupor before shouting loudly, "you know if you just got a proper haircut you'd be pulling all the ladies like me!" and making an Alan Partridge-style gurn while motioning aggressively with clenched fist in what I assumed was a gesture of virility.

Now I wonder if that is good advice or not. On the one hand the number of times I have ever got laid hardly reaches double figures; on the other he is married to the ugliest troglodyte with the nastiest screechiest voice imaginable. Plus I do like my hair - it gives me a sense of security somehow.

At any rate I look forward to winding him up about it in the near future. So if I am to get my hair cut, it will have to be delayed.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 14:53, 16 replies)
Keep your flowing locks!
My shortest ever job interview was when I applied for a part-time job at a well-known supermarket.

They said: "Your hair's too long. Are you prepared to cut it for the job?"
I said: "Um...I'd prefer not to."

And I didn't get the job. But look where I am today...um...not working in waitrose...

EDIT: what I should have said was, some people have the face for a crew-cut, some people have a face which better suits a full head of hair.
(I have a face which best suits a paper bag)
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 14:57, closed)
I get that a lot too. Never really understood the thinking behind it beyond random speculations about insecurities.
Thankfully my local's full of old herb-smoking 60's types, a font of excellent tall tales and suchlike. Good times.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 14:59, closed)
I tried growing my hair last year
in an attempt to look older, as I look about 12.

I looked like a 12 year old in his mums wig. I wish I suited long hair.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:06, closed)
Right on!
I am also of the long haired crew, never really had any trouble.

I guess its also difficult to confuse me with a woman since im built like a fat rugby player :P

Its easy to manage, I dont have to style it (just brush it) and looks ace when I headbang!
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:09, closed)
I used to have the long hair
unfortunately I combined it with a meatloaf-esque physique at the time, so not a good look

funnily enough though, I had more hassle when I cut my hair short and dyed it bright red than when I had the long hair

edit: I used to love to headbang, and it was the final straw for getting it cut. ended up with my own hair, still attached, most of the way down my throat. bleurgh
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:20, closed)
Mine is getting long-ish.
Thing is, I'm also getting old-ish.

Middle aged guys should not have long hair, even if I do still have all of it and it's not grey. There comes a point where long hair looks silly.

I'm getting to that point, I think.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:26, closed)
ex-Long hair
I used to like the way it tickled my nipples when I had no top on.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:26, closed)
Ex, twice
once as a spotty youth and once again up until about 18 months ago when the fatness got the better of me.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:29, closed)
Be Yourself
I kept my long hair until well into my forties and, the only reason I got it cut, was a drunken boast.

We were raising money for the local lifeboat and I said :

"I'll chop my hair off for £200"

Money was raised in less than 3 minutes.

(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 15:42, closed)
Keep the long mane dude!
I know lots of girls that like a man with long hair. It shows a sense of confidence and individuality I think. My fiance has gorgeous long dark hair (longer than mine in fact!) and he is often subject to similar abuse. The yells of "hippy" and "mosher" and "get your hair cut" just go over his head these days.
Ignore the insecure bastards that all dress the same and do just as you please ;o)
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 16:01, closed)
ja mein hairies!
woo 9 positive responses from fellow (ex-)hairies!

I'm actually pondering getting it cut because there's a fair argument that it doesn't suit my face but having long hair is ace just for the sake of it. The "be yourself" comment possibly crystallised why - it gives one a great sense of self, and since my ideal future is to live just like Jeff Lebowski (the White Russian is my favorite drink and certain Creedence albums are genius, plus I'm a lazy fucker) it's a good sense of self. Not about to apply to Waitrose any time soon anyway.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 16:06, closed)
Freewheelin' Franklin,
the owner of a proud cartoon mane,when posed the question, "How do I know if you're a boy or a girl?" answered, "Why dont you suck my dick and find out?".

My brother, proud owner of a real life mane rebutted similarly and got the shit kicked out of him by two scumbags.

I'm a crew cut man these days and just the right balance of fat and big to avoid fighting.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 16:11, closed)
used to have very long hair (im a lapsed metal-head) and did so for about 5 years. Then I had a zero for about 8 years.

All of my friends finally pointed out that with no hair I looked like a fucking evil drug-addled madman due to thinness and perpetual bags under eyes.

i now am 33 with a wonderfully thick head of hair while all around me lament progression of baldness.

Where am i going with this? not sure. meh fuckit, if the worst comes to the worst get it cut and make a wig out of it.
(, Fri 20 Jun 2008, 16:16, closed)
Long hair is great
I think most guys look good with long hair. I wish my hair was longer. My mom always complains that I should get it cut. One day I will show up to a family gathering completely bald (I'm a gal), just to piss her off.
(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 0:11, closed)
Keep teh hair!
I love a bloke with proper long hair, I think its often sexier on men than on women somehow....

[dreams of Antonio Banderas in Interview with a Vampire]

(, Sat 21 Jun 2008, 20:38, closed)
keep it if you like it,
the thing is some girls love it some girls dont.

i had long hair and managed to pull the ladies with good success, as the girls that like long hair will approach you becasue you are a minority. i guess its like piercings and tatoos

my friends managed to convince me to cut it on the premise that my market share of the girls would be bigger, hence more pulling. but the problem with short hair was that i was up against over 98% of all the other blockes in manchester that had short hair. then as a result i didnt get laid for over 2 years. i lost a lot of confidence and became fairly miserable though none of my friends would tell you that.
almost 3 years on tho i'm now bouncing back but i have no regrets, i always try to avoid thinking 'what if' because it leads down a bad road and i start doubting every decision i have ever made.
at the time the hair was part of my identity and when i cut it off i felt like i didnt know who i was.

so to sum up i dont regret cutting it, i only regret letting myself feel pressured into cutting it.

length? somewhere beteween shoulder and nipple length girth? 2 or 3 loops of a hair bobble depending on age of bobble.
(, Mon 23 Jun 2008, 14:38, closed)

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