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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Many, Many Many Things
1) Trams
I have to take the tram to and from work. The tram itself is great. The general public aren't. a) If the tram is full up and there is no space, don't try and squeeze on. Wait for the next one, they come every 5 minutes. If you are going to be late for work, wake up earlier and give yourself more time. b) LET PEOPLE FUCKING OFF BEFORE BOARDING. Seems simple, but the people of Nottingham haven't grasped this. I now take to holding my arms out like a scarecrow when wanting to get off and people try to get on to make the point. c) A common one, mobile phone music. These idiots walk around like they are Johnny Rockhard, but they listen to some knobjockey with a snare and some woman whining on it. d) If I am next to a seat and about to sit down, don't for fucks sake sprint down the carriage and try to get there before me, you will only make me angry and I will shoulder charge you off it to allow me to sit down.

b) Supermarkets
Again, the general public, leaving trolleys in the middle of aisles, letting kids run riot.

c) Calling "Children" "Young People"
THEY ARE NOT PEOPLE. Anyone under the age of 18 should be sent to live in the desert with Bedouin tribes until they are of adult age. Children should be neither seen nor heard, unless they are cleaning my chimney or working in a coal mine.

d) Call Centre Work
For my sins I work in a call centre for a well known Credit Card company in the fraud department. Unfortunately, again, the general public are unaware of just how many sneaky fuckers are constantly trying to defraud us (not them - it is a credit card, using the company' money, not yours). They will ring up and say things like "why is my card not working?" So you bring up the details and say something along the lines of "Have you been in Lithuania recently?" "NO I FUCKING HAVEN'T MAK MY CARD WORK" "Oh, well it seems as if someone has been withdrawing £100 a day from your account over there" *silence* "we did try to contact you, and have sent you two letters about this..." "WELL I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR ME"

Clue - if we try ringing you twice, leave you answerphone messages, texts and send you letters, and your card spontaneously stops working, put 2 and 2 together fuckwit.

Secondly, people who think they are way better than you just because you work in a call centre, and try to lie about things to pull a fast one. I have a law degree, I know when people are lying, I also know about balance of probabilities. Therefore, when I ask "do you still have your card?" and they answer yes, then I say "do you write down your pin?" and they say no, there is only one person that could withdraw that £250 a day from the cashpoint down the road from you *thanks google maps*. I won't back down, I have all day to sit and argue with you, and I will if necessary.

Thirdly, when people call in and say "oh it's my wifes account can you tell me what this is about?" No I can't. How do I know you are her husband? How do I know you haven't just stolen the card and want to get details from me? Would you be happy if I told you? Would you be happy if Mr X called up after mugging her to take over the account? No! So stop whining when I won't do as I'm told by you.

e) Mobile phones whilst driving
Self-Explanatory really, if the call is that important pull over.

Some people see this as therapy, my blood is literally boiling.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 14:48, 2 replies)
"my blood is literally boiling"
You mean figuratively boiling. Or you are about to become a human black pudding.

This misuse of words really pisses me off.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 14:54, closed)
The thing was, as I was typing it was making me feel warmer inside, not in a good way.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 16:25, closed)

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