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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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-twats who wear t-shirts when it's like 12 degrees Celsius and always say 'ITS FUCKIN FREEZIN MATE' well put a coat on then fuckwit.

-bullshitters, someone said to me dr pepper and diet coke lowers your sperm count, PROOF PLEASE??!!

-Chavs who shout abuse or just chavs in general, some chav told my mate to get a haircut, why? Another chav called me an emo just cos I have longish hair and also said he would 'smash my fockin face in mayte innit'

-Chavmobiles, how fucking pathetic do these piece of shit 50hp cars with exhausts the size of a black hole and terrible shitty chipmunk voice dance music really look bombing down the road like it was a race track, how the fuck do they get licences springs to mind.

-applying for jobs, application forms... WHY?!! they ask the most random questions such as what race are you and they always expect you to have about 34536 jobs you've had before even if you're only 16.

-also, last but not least, MADELINE MCCANN. Look we don't care anymore, it's been a year already so just accept that she's fucking dead for fuck sake, if her parents didn't go out then none of this would have happened. Simple
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 14:57, 1 reply)
to the BBC scheduler who has put the film 'Madeline'(the one about the French orphan) on a day or so after the anniversary.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 15:04, closed)

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