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What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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"Soft" parents
I'm working as an au pair at the moment, and the kid I have to spend time with is the biggest brat I've ever come across.

I've been teaching for 8 years, so I've seen a fair few kids, but this one has got to be the brattiest little bastard EVER.

The parents, however, are whom I point the blame at - they NEVER tell him off.
They may, after an extended period of time, gently say his name a couple of times (this is their way of letting him know he has to stop), but that's IT.

Example - It's after 11 PM. I'm in bed, trying to sleep. Because I don't get paid enough to afford to go to the pub and drown my sorrows.
Rosemary's Baby is upstairs, almost directly above my room, banging something on the wooden floor.

After almost FORTY MINUTES, I hear a quiet utterance of his name.
Banging continues.

Again, a parent says his name.

More banging, and it now seems LOUDER.

Finally, the mum tells him he has to go to bed. He throws down whatever he's been banging with, making an even louder, er, bang, then proceeds to throw a screaming shit-fit.

Instead of going upstairs and giving the little shit a well-deserved boot up the arse, I go outside and smoke a couple of ciggies.

He's STILL screaming and swearing in Italian when I come back in.

This kind of thing happens AT LEAST once a day.

But the parents don't ever bother telling him that this sort of shit is just NOT ACCEPTABLE.

He hits me, bites me, lies to his parents about me, throws toys at me, spits on me ...
When I won't do what he wants to do, he throws a tantrum.
Hell, if I look at him sideways, or possibly breathe differently, he'll find it an excuse to explode.

Have I told the parents about this? Shit yeah. They've even witnessed it.

Have they done ANYTHING about it? Hell no.

If they want to be 'nice' parents and calmly talk about this behaviour with the child, then fine. You don't have to yell at kids and belt them to teach them how to behave.

But, for FUCKS SAKE, do SOMETHING to stop him being a whiney, violent, bratty little arsehole!

Edit: Oh, yeah, and I'm pretty sure that they're Scientologists ...
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 16:03, 6 replies)
Parcel him up
and send him to me. Give me four weeks and I'll send back a quiet, polite, well behaved child. Who'll have had his backside tanned (but only once) just to prove it can happen. And to instill respect. After that, it's a case of being consistent.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 16:42, closed)
scientologists you say
kill them, kill them all
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 23:25, closed)
There is only one answer to this problem
Kill the child.
(, Mon 5 May 2008, 1:38, closed)
Kill. Yes, kill. That sounds lovely.
Preventing the likelihood of another Tom Cruise-type of crazy man-biyatch jumping on random people's sofas sounds like reasonable grounds for a culling ...

But, at the moment, I merely resort to mocking him in English (he doesn't understand) and muttering Italian words for "brat", "annoying", "selfish" etc at appropriate times.

If he ever complains ... well, the parents are convinced I don't know any Italian apart from, "Ciao", so I'm assuming they'll think he's just bullshitting them.

This IS rather lame, but I don't want to piss off $cientologi$t$ ... They be crazy.
(, Mon 5 May 2008, 10:17, closed)
Bloody Scientologist parenting.
That sounds like a classic example of the half-arsed attitude they seem to have to disciplining their offspring, and I can assure you that child will grow up knowing it can get away with murder, and the parents will only have themselves to blame. I know this having seen Stalker Girl throw a shitfit at her Scientologist parents about how it was 'so unfair' she had to get up at 6am to go on a trip to France that she had demanded and was reprimanded with a simple "No, Alison..." over and over in the calmest tone of voice. The answer is to kill them all now and save the world from more Scientology brats. The parents will thank you for it in the end.
(, Mon 5 May 2008, 15:50, closed)
i think (not often mind)
that little "damien" will have his/her arse kicked at school. not helpfull for you now but glow in the knowledge the little shit will be shown *the blue fish* reguarly by his/her peers untill he/she realise this behaviour is not acceptable

btw sending it to the wee witch will prolly fix it a whole lot faster :P
(, Thu 8 May 2008, 0:08, closed)

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