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This is a question Personal Ads

A somewhat shocked friend writes, "I did not realise it is considered de rigeur to send a cock shot with the first email."

Welcome to the world of personal ads. How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone?

(, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 15:01)
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Having a picture of yourself with a guitar means cock-diddley-all...I've been on HoN all day in full action 'guitar-god' pose (Albeit pissed out of my head and playing in a pub as big as a flea's-scrotum but anyhoo)and amassed the total of 4 measley votes...and crap scores too.


You are all a bunch of beautiful visions of perfection and I'm going to remove my sorry, ugly-arsed mug from your pert, attractive company forever...I'm not worthy...I know that now.

*sinks deeper into depression*

*continues drinking vodka*

*starts to hate this QOTW and particularly the idea of HoN*

*Desperately wracks his brains to think of where he can find a better picture of himself*

*realising there isn't one..and that my mother and all my past girlfriends were right*
(, Tue 18 Sep 2007, 14:36, Reply)

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