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This is a question Personal Ads

A somewhat shocked friend writes, "I did not realise it is considered de rigeur to send a cock shot with the first email."

Welcome to the world of personal ads. How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone?

(, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 15:01)
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Oh, and my story.
Once upon a time, when I was young and desperate to get laid, I put a profile on Faceparty.

Got talking to this rather odd girl from Manchester who seemed to have a dual personality. That should have been warning enough, but as I said I was young and desperate.

So I went to meet her. Not only was she incredibly unnatractive, but she had a personality to match. She also insisted we go to McDonalds (which I hate, not because of any political or ethical stance on the place, but because the food is horrible) where she stuffed her face for what seemed like hours.

I couldn't take any more. After she started whinging at me (she'd only met me an hour ago!) I made my excuses and left.

So that, folks, was my one bad experience with online dating. Having said that, I have met a few very nice people on the Interweb too.
(, Tue 18 Sep 2007, 15:03, Reply)

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