Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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I think it was in the late 90's can't remember. Anyhoo being the ravey monster I was back in the day, I had decided to join the crusties, who had much more to lose from this bill than I, who was just going because they had taken away our right to party anywhere we wanted. Not a long story but one thing that will always stick with me is one of the best slapstick moments I have ever seen live. This wasn't so much sticking it to the man but trying to stick it to the man and failing badly. On the march we were just passing a well know burger chain, yes you know the one, stupid demonic clown etc..As we were passing one of the marchers decided that said burger chain needed their windows smashed in, with massive glee on his face, he picks up a dustbin and charges as fast as he can against the window, what happened next was something you would see on Takishi's castle, you know the challenge where they have to run at the door and pick the right one made of paper. Anyway the marcher hits the window with the force of a rhino, the dustbin being his makeshift horn. It made a massive bang as the bin gave way and his head crashed against the window, the bounciness of the bin then sprung him back a good six feet back on to the road, and collapsed having been knocked out by the force of the blow. I don't know what they used in the windows but there wasn't even a mark. We definitely weren't there for violence so the crowd couldn't help laughing.....a lot, at the stupidity of this guy and you'll be happy to know the guy did eventually get up and sheepishly get in line with the rest of the protestors, whilst rubbing his sore head. 1-0 to the man on this occasion,or maybe 2-0 as the bill was passed, taking away another chunk of our civil liberties :(
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 10:44, 4 replies)

loved it first time, love it now, even though the stores smell of corporate evil. Click on its way...
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 11:47, closed)

which means either we were pretty close to each other, OR more than one protester tried to smash the same well-reinforced burger chain window, probably with the same bin (what I saw was the bin bouncing back and smacking the protester in the gob).
The windows of Boots proved to be less resistant.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 13:37, closed)

And at least 5000 people must have seen him do it, so the chances are we both saw this.......Cool. I guess evil burger chain must have been used to having their windows staved in and were prepared.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:45, closed)
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