Racist grandparents
It Came From Planet Aylia says: "My husband's mad Auntie Joan accused the man seven doors down of stealing her milk as he was the first black neighbour she had. She doesn't even get her milk delivered." Tell us about casual racism from oldies.
Thanks to Brayn Dedd who suggested this too
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Oct 2011, 11:54)
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Did you ever think you'd get this kinda reaction?
It's quite impressive, really.
SpangoTheWonderBadger is brewing beer, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 9:56,
1 reply)
Same Old, Same Old..
Directly criticise /talk and you it's like kicking a hornets nest. Nah. hang on. That doesn't work.
Criticise /talk and it's like pinching banana from a troop of howler monkeys. Then they all pile out, hooting and gibbering and shitting in their hands and flinging it at you.
200+ replies so far - 90% from /talk regulars + poor old Battered who's new and looking to make friends.
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:02,
It doesn't really have anything to do with you criticising talk.
It's more to do with you being a childish prick. /talk made up 90% of the thread, but not 90% of the contributors.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:04,
You did look at the drawings you made for me? And you call me childish?
But, think on this. One post from me has had you spazzing in indignation for 24 hours. You've cared enough to draw pictures of me (sweet - but I'm not your teacher) - 200+ post so far. I've got a bet that I can get it to 500 before the week is out. Wanna help me out?
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:12,
oh, right. this is where you pretend you did all of this on purpose, right?
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:13,
Yeah alright.

mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:19,
Cheers, Mike
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:31,
You're too late, Ring Of Fire has already played the 'actually it was all trolling' gambit.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 15:54,
How about a covering bet?
I'll give you three times whatever your
imaginary real life friend has bet you if you show even the faintest whiff of self awareness at any point in this thread? How does that sound?
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Sat 29 Oct 2011, 13:59,
don't you DARE try and bring logic and facts into this, mike.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:12,
No need for that, I drew you a PICTURE man, a PICTURE
Theoban What of it, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:05,
I Know
I saved it. I might print it out and put it on the fridge.
You're a GOOD boy.
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:08,
i didn't reply
i might be the only person on /talk that doesn't think you're a wanker
Mortal Wombat - he's just an excitable boy, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:05,
yes i am aware of the implications of that /talk you don't need to get smart
Mortal Wombat - he's just an excitable boy, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:08,
mark morrisons prison shoes I love Willie, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:14,
New account, not new person.
My problem with you is that you singled out one person to post about, not that that person posts on /talk.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:19,
9269 messages on the talk board
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:25,
I'd have the same issue with you if you'd commented on someone who never posts on /talk - which parts of the site someone uses is immaterial.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:27,
Actually - You're Wrong
There's a massive correlation between QOTW comments and if they're mean, spiteful, derogatory or just plain rude and /talk. It's easy to prove. Look at any past question and the comments. 80%+ of nasty comments will be for someone who has more than 2000 posts on /talk.
If I can be arsed - I might even write a script that will show this.
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:40,
oh god what's happening

arseboon dilbaro arseboon dilbaro, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:43,
or you could stop worrying about it altogether and try another website.
they'd LOVE you over at the daily mail, with your incisive telling-it-like-it-is style.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:47,
You misunderstood what I wrote.
My problem with your post is that you posted a rant about an individual.
If you don't like what some people have to say use the ignore button. If you don't like a qotw subject don't read it.
You don't have to write a post slagging somebody off. The fact that you have chosen to post about someone on /talk rather than someone on /links or /board is immaterial to my disagreement with your actions.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:49,
There's also quite a high correlation between people posting on /talk and them winning QotW
WormuIus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 14:18,
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 15:00,
You clueless and joyless twat.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 17:40,
You genuinely are an idiot, aren't you?
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:32,
the best part is that legless appears to have me on ignore.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:46,
you just haven't posted anything worth replying to.
And, before you ask, no "cheers" for you...
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 14:16,
Why exactly does it matter who suggested the question?
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 14:23,
Battered's not new you flid.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:33,
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