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This is a question Rock and Roll Stories

My personal Spinal Tap moment came when we got locked into the Festival Hall in London by accident. We ended up wandering the maze of backstage corridors carrying a three foot high piece of cheese looking for the one door that would lead us to salvation.

What goes on tour may stay on tour, but B3ta doesn't count. Tell us everything.

(, Thu 29 Jun 2006, 13:47)
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Not very rock n roll...
Was at Nottingham Rock City when Rolf Harris played. Got into a fight in the queue for his autograph. Just as I was getting stuck in, my mate turned round and said to my punchee "Do you mind she's pregnant and has to see Rolf quickly before she gives birth" to which the bloke I was wrestling with goes "Oh sorry darling I didn't realise" and pushed his way to the front going "pregnant woman to see Rolf outta the way". Get up to the front, see the Rolfster, give him a quick kiss then disappear off.

Who says eating all the pies has no benefits?
(, Fri 30 Jun 2006, 16:50, Reply)

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