Sacked II
I once had a "friend" (I hated his guts) who lost two jobs on the same day - he drunkenly crashed the taxi he was driving when he was supposed to be at his office job. How have you been sacked?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 29 May 2014, 13:33)
I would bet that not one person on this /qotw has ever been sacked from a job. Why? Because
I doubt one person has a real job outside of 'colouring in' for a living.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 29 May 2014, 14:05,
9 replies)
Yay! Crayons!
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 29 May 2014, 14:32,
I fucking love crayons and felt tips
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 29 May 2014, 14:37,
What you shove up your anus is no concern of mine or others.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 29 May 2014, 17:47,
imma do a Jackson Pollock poo on the coffee table
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 29 May 2014, 18:51,
I recommend a dash of very strong alcohol in the diet to loosen the bowels to allow maximum spray and
eat some nice brassicas.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 29 May 2014, 22:13,
NSFW or in fact anywhere -
Benzyl, Fri 30 May 2014, 19:30,
I don't have colouring in time now that I've been laid off.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Thu 29 May 2014, 15:41,
Layed off is not sacked.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 29 May 2014, 17:47,
I resent that remark!
My job is to say, in a monotone, "Have you turned it off and back on again?"!
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Thu 29 May 2014, 18:35,