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This is a question Money-saving tips

I'm broke, you're broke, we're all broke. Even the smug guy on the balcony with the croissant hasn't got two AmEx gold cards to rub together these days. Tell everybody your schemes to save cash.

(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 18:09)
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Sell your Kindle
I know 12 people who own Kindles. 11 have stopped using them, the other hasn't finished the first ever book he downloaded on it yet (he got it last Christmas). If sales are as good as Amazon reckon you should get a good few quid for it on eBay or Amazon Marketplace and use the proceeds to buy something you might actually use.

Sell your Kindle and go to the library instead! Libraries are great. If they're still open. If yours has closed recently, think of it as an opportunity to get exercise by walking 14 miles to the next nearest one.
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 19:56, 11 replies)
as much as people dislike Apple..
My IPad is invaluable - I use it mainly for viewing PDFs for lighting rigs/wiring and other publications/books.

A simple drag and drop affair, absolutely brill!

and it's all in colour too.
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 21:47, closed)
your friends are idiots.
i travel for work and a kindle is invaluable. different people like different things. imagine it!
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 22:35, closed)
Illiteracy is no lauging matter, Janet.
No doubt, the individuals mentioned above believed they were buying iPads, only to realise their mistake when Angry Birds wouldn't load.
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 22:51, closed)
I think they were probably all gifts
from parents desperate for their kids to read something.
But really they just want to play angry birds.
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 14:24, closed)
on the other hand
I've saved loads of money by buying a kindle and then downloading all my e-books off dodgy websites.
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 3:55, closed)
But were they people
who bought a lot of books?

Anyway apparently you can borrow ebooks from the library on your kindle (you get them for 2 weeks then they're deleted).
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 8:09, closed)
I bought a Kindle a month or so back
It replaced my Sony Reader which was stolen (there's a money saving tip - simply thieve electronic gadgets!).

I find it invaluable. If I go camping I've got a whole selection of books I can take without any more weight than a paperback. I'm not constantly recharging it like an iPad (a battery will last for a good three weeks with heavy usage) and as others have said theres a shit ton of books out there which you can download for free.

I don't think I'd gain much money by selling it - at least not enough to outweigh the inconvenience of not having it.
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 8:12, closed)
I was given a Kindle for Christmas last year. It's brilliant.

1. eBooks are often cheaper to buy than the hardback or paperback version (despite eBooks being liable for VAT which printed material isn't).
2. There are a lot of free books available (both legally and otherwise).
3. Having a Kindle saves a load of space in our house versus the hundreds of paperbacks we had.
4. If I am on holiday I only have to carry one Kindle rather than several paperbacks.
5. I can read a Kindle whilst feeding our baby - try doing that when you've got to turn the page on a book.

The only downside I have found is that I can't read in the bath for fear of dropping it.
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 8:46, closed)
I read mine in the bath
Not dropped it yet.
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 8:50, closed)
You can get a waterproof 'superbag' type Kindle cases for them
although I am sure that a suitably sized ziploc bag would do the job for a brief accidental dunking!
(, Sat 12 Nov 2011, 9:21, closed)
I love my Kindle
Saves me carrying 3 or 4 books when travelling (I travel a lot with work). I can use the built in 3G to access my mail/update stalkerbook while abroad thus saving on data roaming charges on my phone. It uses the same charger as my phone too :) All this for something that fits snugly into a jacket pocket.
(, Mon 14 Nov 2011, 11:24, closed)

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