Inflated Self-Importance
Amorous Badger asks: Tell us tales of people who have a high opinion of themselves. Jumped-up officials, the mad old bloke who runs the Neighbourhood Watch like it's a military operation, Colonel Blimps, pompous bastards and people stuck up their own arse.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 24 Jan 2013, 12:22)
I'm not sure but I think he might be parodying you
Major Turd for tonight only, Sun 27 Jan 2013, 17:10,
1 reply)
Ummm ... when have I ever trivialised rape?
Just because I take the piss out of the feeble-witted cry-babies on here doesn't mean you can accuse me of something morally repugnant. Prick.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Sun 27 Jan 2013, 18:46,
Taking the moral high-ground...
How does that feel shambo?
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Sun 27 Jan 2013, 19:32,
Are you admitting to being a rapist here?
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Sun 27 Jan 2013, 19:57,
Of course he is - implicit defence is as good as outright admission.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Sun 27 Jan 2013, 20:00,
Are you suggesting I am?
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Sun 27 Jan 2013, 20:38,
Major Turd for tonight only, Sun 27 Jan 2013, 21:11,