Freddie Woo tells us: Despite being a well rounded modern man I think women are best off getting married and having a few kids else they'll be absolutely miserable come middle age.
What views do you have that are probably sexist that you believe are true?
( , Sun 27 Dec 2009, 12:23)
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Why do women have a problem with teatowels?!
When i was living at home my mam used to go radio rental when i took her teatowels! I used to stick them under plates when eating to; a. not slop on myself; b. not burn my fingers when dealing with hot plates.
makes sense, yes? whats that you say mam, it doesnt?! despite her having 10 billion teatowels (or approx 20), me having perhaps 2 in my room was obviously me trying to wind her up.....
So i moves in with the missus (now fiance), everyone jokes about "oh we should get you loads of teatowels ey monkey"....yeah yeah, i bide my time till theyre gone and i can eat in peace without shriekings of wheres my blue checky teatowel, only to find the missus has now become also angry at my teatowel usage.
I get wrong for not hanging them up on the little hook that is miles away from the business end of the kitchen, i get wrong for wiping my mouth on it if i give my face a quick splash of water, i get questioned why so many are placed around the kitchen..... whats it all about i ask ya???
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 10:26, 17 replies)

We have a whole drawer devoted to tea towels. There is one permamently hung on the oven.
If I spill something on the surface, I am prone to wipe it with the tea towel. "Don't do that, it's a tea towel".
If she spills something, she may shout "Quick pass me a cloth".. I pass her the tea towel.. "Not THAT! A CLOTH not a TEA TOWEL".
I don't get it.. it's clothy and absorbent. When it's dirty, I put it in the laundry and get a new one. It's not like I have a rancid one hanging round for ever.
Best bit is... she IRONS them and folds them in the drawer!!!
She'd go nuts if she finds out I have seconded two for my own use:
1. I use one to rub proofhide into a leather saddle.
2. I dry my bicycle with one after I have washed it.
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 10:47, closed)

Glad im not the only one puzzled by the tea towel situation.
We also have a dedicated drawer, but im pleased with this as its closer than the little hooks theyre supposed to live on. means i can get a clean one instead of making the trek to get a hangy up one :-)
^ this infuriates the missus. i dont understand why they persevere though, just accept that its JUST a tea towel and we have plenty!
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 11:32, closed)

- and don't they go on if you dry your hands on a tea towel. Let alone wipe your mouth with one. Or blow your nose with it.
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 13:56, closed)

I don't care about tea towels. They should be used for whatever is needed, from wiping up spilled coke to drying dishes.
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 14:40, closed)

are you sure? by all rights this post should make steam come out of your ears....
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 15:50, closed)

Am I sure I'm female or am I sure I don't care about tea towels? :P
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 18:00, closed)

we have 2, one of them is crunchy like a popadom, the other is behind the washing machine i think
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 15:15, closed)

I don't understand the female obsession with drawers full of teatowels -- but, surely, wiping things up, drying your face and hands and generally covering in crap something which you intend to dry your plates with is not good?
(I'm a man, by the way, I just don,t like the idea of eating off snot and spittle smeared plates)
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 17:58, closed)

Ive never blown my nose on one, and as far as the mouth goes i'll wipe my freshly splashed mouthy area and then bosh it in the dirty basket.
teatowels arent facecloths, "flannels" stay in the bathroom and are only interesting if theyre a homer simpson face that expands when you leave them in water a little while....
( , Wed 30 Dec 2009, 11:31, closed)

I appear to have been appaled by the unhygenic smelly-plated commenters rather than your [possibly] good self.
( , Wed 30 Dec 2009, 17:52, closed)

My man takes them about the house with him resulting in us having to hunt to find it or getting out new ones. Occassionally we end up with several at once, when we find them about.
My general rule is: if I want a teatowel, find where he is first and then look.
( , Tue 29 Dec 2009, 18:40, closed)

man is always ready to handle spills when armed with a tea towel. when my missus spills summat the first thing she says is grab a tea towel, but complains when i have one ready..... go figure
( , Wed 30 Dec 2009, 11:32, closed)

you always push them back in her "tea-towel holder", she may become less "anal" about them.
If you catch my drift ;)
( , Thu 31 Dec 2009, 12:35, closed)
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