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This is a question Sexism

Freddie Woo tells us: Despite being a well rounded modern man I think women are best off getting married and having a few kids else they'll be absolutely miserable come middle age.

What views do you have that are probably sexist that you believe are true?

(, Sun 27 Dec 2009, 12:23)
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Bad moods
I'm not sure why, but for some reason it's forbidden for a man to be in a bad mood without having a damn good reason. Sometimes you just had a normal day at the office, you didn't get harassed on the tube, the supermarket had everything you wanted and it's a beautiful sunny day, but you just are in a shit mood. There isn't anything to explain or a hidden meaning. It just is what it is.

So you come home, you're grumpy and you just want some me time. She senses something is wrong by the monotone drawl in your voice so with obvious concern she asks what it is:

'Nothing', I reply.
'Nothing?', she asks with an incredulous look upon her face.
'Yes, nothing. I'm just in a shit mood'.

Now I should point out at this point that it's socially acceptable in every females eyes to be in a downright disgustingly heathen and abusive mood with the 'love of their life' at least once a month. So why can't I have the same privileges? Why can't I just have my moment in the burning cauldren of Satan's front room while I stew in foul thought.

But, NOOOOO....there must be a reason and armed with her amateur psychology degree from the pages of Cosmopolitan magazine she presses on, and on, and on ....ad nauseum.

And so a few hours later you emerge from your personal hell with just enough emotional strength to muster an actual physical hug and a 'I'm sorry babe'. Not because you want to apologise mind, but sometimes it's easier to let the lawnmower run out of fuel than it is to keep listening to it whine away on the couch next to you.

But you know what the clincher is, and they don't write about this in Cosmo, it's so simple avoid all this crap. All she'd have to do is walk up to me, put her arms around me, look into my eyes and give me a big hug. Then slowly get down on her knees, unzip my pants and start sucking my cock. Bad mood gone, I'm happy and you've had a lovely starter before I happily toddle off to the kitchen to cook the main course.
(, Mon 4 Jan 2010, 21:33, 10 replies)
Bravo, sir.
That brought a tear of recognition to my eye.
(, Mon 4 Jan 2010, 21:57, closed)
Have a well deserved click
(, Mon 4 Jan 2010, 23:28, closed)
Click. Etc.
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 0:23, closed)
This is so true it hurts.
Plus, which is easier for the partner: two hours of couch psychology with someone who's clammed up and trying frantically to get you to leave them alone, or five minutes putting a big smile on his face?
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 9:15, closed)
Spot on mate.

Spot on.
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 10:05, closed)
I feel your pain
In our house it starts with
"why are you angry?"

"I'm not, this my normal face/voice/posture"

"No, what have I done this time?"

"You haven't done anything"

"I must have done something, or you wouldn't be angry"

Through gritted teeth "I'm not angry, I told you"

Repeat ad infinitum.

Except of course when I'm told that we're spending Xmas weekend at the MILs, at 30 minutes notice. 3 days sleeping on the sofa, in the home of a woman whose conversation consists of things in her immediate field of vision. And black people.

THEN I get angry.
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 10:26, closed)
are you me?

(, Wed 6 Jan 2010, 14:26, closed)
"sometimes it's easier to let the lawnmower run out of fuel than it is to keep listening to it whine away on the couch next to you"
hahahahah *hi fives*
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 11:36, closed)
Spot on
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 15:47, closed)
In affirmation
I usually let her stew for a day or two whilst she asks what's wrong ad nauseum and then say that the reason for my sombre/miserable/angry mood is her badgering me repeatedly. She sort of gets caught in a logical blame loop for a while.
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 16:45, closed)

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