Our glorious leader Rob asks: Most of us have done it, right? You've seen a grown lady/man naked, right? What's your biggest regret connected to The Acts of Venus? "Your Mum" does not an answer make, but big fat lies about threesomes are welcome.
( , Thu 8 Dec 2011, 13:34)
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Many of the posts from men on this QoTW are saying "WHY didn't that woman tell me she was up for it ?". Looking back, most men are going to regret the one or two or twenty that got away - but here's why they did.
It's all Darwinian, innit ? Survival of the genes and fittest etc requiring male behaviour of bravery and daring-do. You see, the blokes are required to show their alpha male behaviour by metaphorically and literally sweeping the woman / women off their feet. The man must assume that they will be getting the shag, rather than hanging around waiting for it to be thrown at them.
Like (from the sounds of it) a lot of you on here, I didn't have the guts / courage to walk up to a woman in a club or bar because well, that would be harassing the poor woman and, well, that's not The Done Thing. Hence, 'V' plates till I was 19.
So, the sad moral of the story is that basically in acting in those ways you think women would despise - being the cocky fucker who jumps in there and gives out the spiel and plays it large - you are more likely to get shagged. Which is a grim thought given that surely women would want to shag men of intelligence, retiring types with pipes who build things in sheds that save the world.
So, my biggest sexual regret is the discovery that if you want to shag shedloads of women, you have to act like Lord Flashheart. Oh, and the older woman with huge norks who I worked with and didn't shag despite it being thrown at me. She would have been FILTH, I tell you...
( , Sat 10 Dec 2011, 9:00, 7 replies)

( , Sat 10 Dec 2011, 11:39, closed)

when I "lost them" the phrase "V plates" had ever been heard. Maybe it had - I'm not an expert in modern etymology. How I lost them - got "taken" by a drunk American when I was living / working in Chicago. Does that answer your question ?
( , Sat 10 Dec 2011, 12:44, closed)

is the man who carries rohypnol.
I can't claim to know what women want, but I'm reasonably sure that it isn't rape.
( , Sat 10 Dec 2011, 19:36, closed)

While women are all up for it all the time and are just playing hard to get when they say things like "no" or "please leave me alone" or "200 feet at all times, pal", sometimes persistence isn't as endearing as some chaps think.
( , Sun 11 Dec 2011, 22:46, closed)

He's right. There are any number of beta males who will sit into their mid 20's hoping some hot goth chick will find them mysterious and interesting, when in reality they just look bad mannered and awkward. They eventually manage to pop their cherry with a fat bird who is either drunk, or as desperate as they are. And that for them is how sex works, and will be a struggle for the rest of their lives.
The other end of the scale is a rapist. The extreme end though.
Between the two there are men who understand how it works. You want it? Ask for it. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. Be nice, and you're more likely to get it.
Not rocket science, it's just a bit of biology with a dash of psychology.
( , Mon 12 Dec 2011, 11:29, closed)

(and by "you" I mean "we", of course), is that we tried to act the way our female friends SAID they wanted us to act: caring, sensitive, respectful. It isn't until later that we find out that that's complete arse-gravy, and what most of them really seem to crave is a complete bastard who'll fuck their sister and steal their granny's pension cheque, but who has a six-pack, a fast car and a large wallet with which to shower them with knicker-dropping jewellery.
Not all, thankfully. And let's face it, men's judgement when it comes to women is hardly any more evolved.
( , Mon 12 Dec 2011, 13:40, closed)
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