Silly Achievements
Happy Phantom writes, "Sometimes - by planning or happy accident - you achieve something with which you are quite pleased, but which makes little or no difference to the rest of the world.
"This morning, I woke up and spontaneously farted the opening three notes from The Frog Chorus."
What did YOU do?
chthonic, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 16:04)
I washed up and dried up in just 7 minutes last night
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 19:55,
6 replies)
^^^forever alone
1 plate, 1 cup
katie hopkins telling it where its at, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 20:07,
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 20:20,
I was going to go with povvo but your observation is much more astute.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 20:55,
No girls
No cup.
RebelWithoutApplause My underestimation will almost be the death of me, Fri 17 Oct 2014, 13:43,
Got to go
dishwasher's just finished.
CharlesDexterWard no rush eh, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 21:26,
dear god man what do you think the servants are for
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Fri 17 Oct 2014, 13:44,