Silly Achievements
Happy Phantom writes, "Sometimes - by planning or happy accident - you achieve something with which you are quite pleased, but which makes little or no difference to the rest of the world.
"This morning, I woke up and spontaneously farted the opening three notes from The Frog Chorus."
What did YOU do?
chthonic, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 16:04)
Hot rod
The first time I went sea fishing I caught a shark. I've not been back. It's spoiled me for future angling expeditions.
I still talk about this achievement to anyone who'll listen. Then again, this was off the coast of Western Australia so I imagine it's difficult NOT to catch a shark there.
e.m.m.y. foxtrot uniform charlie kilo india tango, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 16:41,
10 replies)
Thank you for this wonderful story about fishing. An historic achievement and beats tales of pissing in ones own mouth whilst bathing into submission.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 16:47,
You're on a warning aren't you?
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Wed 22 Oct 2014, 19:47,
not at all. I am just saying what everyone is thinking.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 19:53,
You could have taken it home with you if you'd had a saltwater pool.
.Yeti., Wed 22 Oct 2014, 17:25,
Bravo, well played.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 17:35,
Off coast of Russia
shark catches you!
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 20:06,
Stop being such a verminous troll. this is the new, pleasant qotw.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 20:15,
Aw ok. Have some gay birds.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 11:28,
They are gay. I don't like it that the shirt lifters have hi-jacked the word gay.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 16:43,
I'm only prepared to use it like
Enid Blyton.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 17:10,