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Home » Question of the Week » Stupid Dares » Post 97441 | Search
This is a question Stupid Dares

I once dared my mate to eat one of those blue cakes out of a urinal. He won his 50p, and got his stomach pumped into the bargain.

Stupid dares, eh?

(, Thu 1 Nov 2007, 11:22)
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Rugby players, eh?
"If I piss in your mouth, will you puke on my dick?"

And then they went and did it in front of everyone else who happened to be in the bar. Tends to put you off that late-night paella.
(, Fri 2 Nov 2007, 18:21, 4 replies)
Is that strictly Rugby Players...
... or just retarded neaderthals who happened to play rugby?
(, Sat 3 Nov 2007, 11:12, closed)
That seems like a reasonable exchange.
I mean, they both got something out of it, so everybody's happy.
(, Sat 3 Nov 2007, 17:42, closed)
Is there a difference ?
(, Sun 4 Nov 2007, 19:15, closed)
Isn't that the game described as "played by men with no fear of head injuries, and no reason to fear them"?
(, Mon 5 Nov 2007, 16:13, closed)

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