I once dared my mate to eat one of those blue cakes out of a urinal. He won his 50p, and got his stomach pumped into the bargain.
Stupid dares, eh?
( , Thu 1 Nov 2007, 11:22)
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As kids we used to doss around the canel and the factories nearby. One sunday, whilst arsing about dropping about 20 feet into a sand hopper, which was stupid enough in itself, my mate dares me to press this green electric button on a switchbox, so sure enough I do. Whatever the switch worked, started buzzing but nothing seemed to be moving. However, the buzzing got louder and louder and crapping ourselves, we legged it big time. We managed to get about 200 yards away when the entire building exploded; big orange flames and black smoke just like the movies. We ran another 2 miles laughing our cocks off to get away from this minor armageddon. However, ever since, I've been very reluctant to press green buttons......
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 2:54, 17 replies)

I don't buy it.
A green button would not have such consequences... a red one maybe. and it certainly would have had a caution sign around it...
that is, unless it was the 50's
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 8:41, closed)

I dunno, if a transformer blew up, the green button could normally supply power to the building, but in this case went to a dodgy transformer
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 9:37, closed)

have a red button to start and green to stop. However, because they're in the yellow light photolith area of the cleanroom, you can't really tell either colour!
(Apologies to all but the Resident Loon, who's probably the only person on here who will have any clue WTF this is all about.)
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 9:40, closed)

Sadly, I know all too well what you are on about. The joys of SU 8!
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 12:25, closed)

Yes, I know about the yellow lights in the Litho area! Whenever I have to go in there I come out to a blue world. Ever brought a red Bic pen in there? It looks Barbie pink!
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 12:26, closed)

Yes, your colour perception goes to hell in yellow light. Especially when you come out into the "real" world again, as TRL says. Which begs the question - what is the real colour of photoresist? Because it changes chemically when exposed to UV (and to a lesser extent, the blue end of white light), it's not really possible to say for sure!
The philosophical things we discuss while doing photolithography....
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 12:44, closed)

there was some talk around here a while back of going to X-ray to expose the photoresist, as its shorter wavelength would allow us to shrink our technology even farther. The best I've heard of to date is IBM doing 45 nm- I think we're doing 65 at this point.
If they do that, then they can do away with the piss-yellow lighting in there, and people can stop wearing those stupid looking blue tinted glasses...
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 12:49, closed)

I understand you perfectly K2K6, I've just de-bunny suited this very moment from our delightful cleanroom! Actually the red button to start and green to stop is what we have on the hutch door at the synchotron, I think on the basis that red closes the door, which is a bad thing if you're still inside...
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 13:51, closed)

I forgot you were a scientist too. Although in my defence, as you are a chemist, I would have assumed it unlikely you'd be particularly familiar with semiconductor processing!
But I stand corrected.
[apologises meekly]
Remind me not to press your red button... :-)
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 14:03, closed)

to make a cleanroom-safe pair of ears and fluffy tail for her bunny suit.
(As mine is orange, it would just look weird.)
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 14:06, closed)

Just as well I'm not doing that though - I'd look like Bugs Bunny, as my cleanroom suit is grey.
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 14:31, closed)

We only have blue ones for Maintenance, orange ones for Facilities and everyone else wears white. Our place looks like it's been overrun by Casper the Friendly Ghost.
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 14:37, closed)

I do microfluidics you see... Much cleanroom fun.
The bunny ears is a great idea. And a tail. And a look of total blithe innocence when my boss comes in and looks at me (not for the first time) like I've gone a bit mad.
It's the cleanroom hats I like. And the booties...
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 15:01, closed)

You're expected to be a bit mad. It comes with the accent.
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 15:13, closed)

Yup, mine are a nice neutral grey, wiith my name on and everything. We were allowed to choose our colours, this being a university research group and not an industrial plant.
One of my colleagues at the time chose bright yellow. He's 6'4" tall, and he looked like a very large banana.
But as you say, we Brits are slighly mad.
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 15:37, closed)

...just the more interesting ones are.
But thanks to the success of Monty Python over here, somone with a British accent- particularly the sort John Cleese has- is often assumed to be a bit daft.
EDIT: I feel the need to add that today, when I'm wearing a nice warm flannel shirt and fairly snug jeans, I got sent into the FAB to do as-builts on the utilities under CMP- which meant that I had to get in my bunny suit with a Tyvek suit over it, pull up a tile on the raised floor and crawl through a maze of piping that was only about 12" apart in places. Result: I'm now hot, sweaty and bruised all over, and my right elbow may never work the same again. GAH!
( , Tue 6 Nov 2007, 15:41, closed)
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