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Home » Question of the Week » People with Stupid Names » Post 13029 | Search
This is a question People with Stupid Names

There are hundreds of unfortunate people out there with silly names desparately coping with the evil their parents perpetrated upon them at birth.

So far, I've met a woman called Rusty Tharp, a child health consultant called Peter Files and have the business card for "Fab Boolaky" on my desk.

We'd like you to tell us about the people you've met or work with that have silly, inappropriate or frankly wierd names.

(, Thu 26 Aug 2004, 10:54)
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I have a friend called
Adele Spasic.

And, unfortunately, she was a bit slow.

Better names (of people i know):
Mrs Banucha [had her as my history teacher around the time that Bazooka for veruccas was being advertised on the telly]
Mr Dave Grainger [most appropriate spoonerism ever]
Poppy Moon Jones [wouldn't be so bad had her parents not told her that she was conceived in a Poppy field under a full moon... *shudder*]
Emma Dick [my friends mum]
Chris Dick [not that funny, but considering he was the head boy at our school; Chris Dick : Head Boy]

[woo firstpostness]

edit: Forgot about some Chav masterpieces i know;
Chantelle, Brittany, Boo, Steven-Lee-Ryan.
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 14:45, Reply)

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