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This is a question Surprise!

Herb Alpert's Taxi Driver asks: Ever given granny a heart attack on her 90th birthday or knocked down the wall between the living room and kitchen by mistake before the wife gets home? Tell us tales of surprises and their fluffy and/or messy endings.

(, Thu 4 Apr 2013, 12:10)
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That's the most entertaining bumper sticker to have on your car, especially if you are a guy (so you can drive around topless with no worries) with long hair: so many people speeding up to look.

The most memorable responses were the CIA type car with the guy in dark glasses with a dark suit, shaking his finger at us, and then the stony faced pissed off elderly lady (oops, we traumatized someone). But mostly people drive by laughing, which is arguably as good as having not distracted people in traffic.

[edit: this sticker is my own invention, btw, it will never make me a dime but hey: bragging rights!]
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 12:54, 5 replies)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 13:05, closed)

I prefer the bumper sticker that a bloke at work had printed at some market stall while on holiday in Bali. It just says "Suck My Dick".
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 15:13, closed)
Did you take it as an invitation?
(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 22:54, closed)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 15:43, closed)

(, Mon 8 Apr 2013, 1:00, closed)

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