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This is a question Tactless

As grandmasterfluffles puts it, "My ex once told me, "That's the best sex I've ever had... Well, apart from with my cousin..."
What's the most tactless thing you've heard? And was it you saying it?

(, Thu 3 Nov 2011, 22:40)
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Just the other day
I was watching Strictly Come Dancing with the missus. For those of you not au fait with the minutiae of this colossus of Saturday night entertainment, Alesha Dixon is one of the judges and she's a complete fucking idiot. As a Ballroom enthusiast myself I spend far too long shouting at the telly, advising her in no uncertain terms why her opinion is wrong.

Anyway, this one evening I've gone beyond the point of shouty frustration and comment, as an aside, that perhaps we should find a glue factory that's run short of horses for La Dixon.

I made this comment to my girlfriend.

My VEGETARIAN girlfriend.
(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 11:16, 9 replies)
your utterly humourless
vegetarian girlfriend.jpg?
(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 11:32, closed)
I feel so much healthier now that I've cut glue out of my diet.

(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 12:34, closed)
I was trying to think of a humorous way of putting this
But you did it much better. *doffs cap*
(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 17:06, closed)
At least for this series she has obviously spent time with a grammar tutor
as she's no longer coming out with crap like "You was amazing" etc.

Agreed though - she doesn't have a fecking clue, as your Facebook statuses regularly confirm!
(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 13:18, closed)
It's not like you suggested she needed a bolt thru the head at the local abattoir.
Because that of course would be inhuman(e)!
(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 14:10, closed)
Hahaha, yeah like a 'ballroom enthusiast' has a GIRLfriend.

(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 14:17, closed)
Down with this bullying of Dorothy's friends.

(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 14:28, closed)
Isn't that a euphemism?

(, Wed 9 Nov 2011, 17:05, closed)
Breaking news!!!
'Meat eater' mentions meat in front of a vegetarian! *Snores*
(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:43, closed)

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