From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!
Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic
( , Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
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a tax disc is an offence. Not displaying one, or displaying it incorrectly????, are seperate offences.
Daft...but true sadly.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:15, 1 reply)

But it doesn't explain why.
Granted, you might be daft to throw out the disc - as I said, it's proof of payment - but I'd've thought that it's the payment that matters and is the proper object of legal concern...
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:18, closed)

I suspect it's because the cretins at the DVLA are incapable of actually using their computer system
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:26, closed)

Also, they check that your insurance and MOT are up-to-date while you're renewing: it's odd that they can be so efficient in those areas, but not their own...
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:32, closed)

that you have had all insurance and MOT data on one database though, before that you always had to take a copy of your MOT and insurance to the post office when renewing your tax disc.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:44, closed)

It makes no sense at all to have to display a disc - especially since the advent of ANPR in cars etc...
Sadly though, I suspect the DVLA (Captia again?) are so twisted up in their own importance and the 'reliability' of their database that they can never outwardly show any uncertainty - despite knowing that (apparently - this was the DM) they fuck up around 40% of the time.
I'm not one to usually believe a word that rag says, but I must say, I don't think I've ever had anything but trouble when I'm involved with the DVLA.
I used to try and do the 'right thing' by the DVLA, but they get worse every time. I had my V5 form refused when trying to give them money (road tax) because it was a V5c and not a V5d (apparently there had been untold TV adverts telling us that they would send one out and that if we didn't get it to get in touch with them - nice, if you have a TV...which I don't), I had my motorcycle entitlement 'stolen', nicked for not SORNing a car I told them I sold some years before - twice! The list goes on.
Now, I register my car elsewhere, and buy tax each year the 'old' way.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:51, closed)

since you seem incapable of interacting with any large organisation without them allegedly causing you trouble.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:52, closed)

...although, all I'm trying to do is live my life without interference from all these fuckers that generally want money.
I don't see how my employer giving me a contract with the wrong date of payment in was my fault (and that ended up withe me suing banks), or how the DVLA lost my motorcycle entitlement, or them not sending the updated V5 form for my new car etc... was my fault in any way.
I mean, Christ, even the bloody council were trying to charge me council tax for two properties at the same time, despite me having obviously moved from one place to the other. That took 9 letters, a graph and my MP to sort out. I told them of my impending move before I left the last place. I'm not sure what else a person is supposed to do.
I honestly wish they'd all just fuck off and let me get on with it - every bloody week some cnut and his mate is poking his nose into my business. Maybe it's just the way England is, but I've fucking had enough of it.
Perhaps it's my name.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 14:56, closed)

I've never had any experience of any administrative cock-up, and don't quite understand how things can go so wrong for other people.
I also realise that I've just jinxed myself, and will probably get home this evening to find my house replaced by a zoo.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 15:10, closed)

I get nothing but.
To the point where I'm scared to go to a petrol station in case they charge me for the pump behind mine.
I do have an extrememly common name though, which may explain some of it.
Indeed, my mothers' wages were paid into an account of a girl that I used to work with with the same name.
You'd think that something like a unique account number would eradicate errors like that wouldn't you?
It does only seem to be large organisations though - smaller firms seem to get it right more often than not.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 15:15, closed)

I very rarely have the problems that seem to plague most
I've been having a few issues with my virgin tv recently, and have had to phone them a few times and get engineers out a couple of times.
Every call I've made has gone straight through to an operator, who, while indian, has been understandable and helpful. The engineers have been booked for within the next few days each time, at a time that suited me and they have been prompt.
on top of that, they have fixed the problem completely.
don't know what people complain about....
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 15:53, closed)

i have always been at the beginning of the alphabet (B or C) and don't get trouble but a friend is always having problems and she is at the end W.
( , Sun 20 Jun 2010, 17:17, closed)
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