Join our mini Meaning Of Liff project by matching up British villages with experiences and emotions you only have because of the internet and modern life.
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( , Mon 30 Jul 2018, 13:23)
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The glaring autocorrect typo that introduces itself into an astute political tweet that actual gains traction for once, but is all people will actually comment on.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 15:05, Reply)

The small bits of black stuff that accrue on the feet of a computer mouse.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 15:04, Reply)

The amount of drugs necessary to enjoy a trendy music festival.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 15:02, Reply)

To attempt to refute an accusation of mansplaining with an even longer and more patronising explanation
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 15:02, Reply)

that weird old bloke on the beach with the rolled-up corduroys who sits watching the sea all day
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 15:01, 2 replies)

The veneer of skin oils that accumulates on the screen of a well-used smartphone
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:59, Reply)

The winner of any online argument that extends over thirty posts, generally self-appointed
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:58, Reply)

The feeling in the queue at the Post Office depot when the person at the front has forgotten to bring any significant form of identification and wants to try and argue their way to getting their parcel.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:56, Reply)

When aged /talk contributor Richard mcbeef attended Ham School . The inveterate old hamtoucher that he is.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:54, 1 reply)

The confusion of staying in a modern flat on AIRBnB and you don't know how to turn the lights on because everything is an app.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:53, Reply)

That heavy feeling in the gut when the cherished childhood object finally tunes up from the Ebay auction you paid a bit too much on after encountering a Biddick, and it’s not quite as good or fun as you remembered.
You’ll put it in the Biddenden for now, but then discreetly stick it back on Ebay and hope someone Bidwells.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:53, Reply)

Any circular muscle forming sphincter situated below the waist that when functioning properly avoids any embarrassing issues such as Husbands Bosworth
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:52, Reply)

The feeling you get when your anti-virus software deletes an important file because it has become infected with something nasty.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:51, Reply)

A slang term used in the adult film industry for a strap on.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:51, Reply)

The realisation after you make a joke about bollocks in a Whatsapp group, and then recall one of the group is going into hospital to have his other one removed after a 2nd bout of testicular cancer...
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:50, Reply)

The fucking arsehole who just sniped you with two seconds to go. Now that cherished childhood object is going to cost twice as much as all the other auctions are really busy, and you are in too deep now.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:50, Reply)

The special display area in your den where you are going to put the Bidwells and other special objects from your childhood that are suddenly turning up on Ebay at reasonable prices.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:48, Reply)

Someone that goes off at length about sourcing local craft beers or artisan food to a local greengrocer on a busy Saturday afternoon.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:47, Reply)

Finding a retro object from your childhood on Ebay in amazing condition. Not many people are bidding. This would fill that empty hole left when your parents threw it out whilst you were away at university.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:46, Reply)

Exclamatory sound uttered after entering four pages of personal information only to discover the flight is no longer available
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:43, Reply)

WiFi dropout at a crucial moment during some "alone time" with the internet.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:42, Reply)

the simultaneous Proustian rush of nostalgia and dizzy feeling of your life disappearing fast when seeing an object from your youth in a museum, like a ZX Spectrum at the Design Museum.
( , Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:35, Reply)
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