Thrown away: The stuff you loved and lost.
Smash Wogan writes, "we all love our Mums, but we all know that Mums can be cunts, throwing out our carefully hoarded crap that we know is going to be worth millions some day."
What priceless junk have you lost because someone just threw it out?
Zero points for "all my porn". Unless it was particularly good porn...
chthonic, Thu 14 Aug 2008, 16:32)
Second to last
trend setter that I am ...
TwinkleFuckingToes Has a ingrown toe nail, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 16:53,
2 replies)
oneinthepink is at your cervix m'lady, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 16:56,
cheers ears...
someone nearly stole my thunder...
Dan dan dan They tik urh jerbs!!!, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 16:57,