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This is a question Conspiracy theory nutters

I keep getting collared by a bloke who says that the war in Afghanistan is a cover for our Illuminati Freemason Shapeshifting Lizard masters to corner the market in mind-bending drugs. "It's true," he says, "I heard it on TalkSport". Tell us your stories of encounters with tinfoil hatters.

Thanks to Davros' Granddad

(, Thu 27 Aug 2009, 13:52)
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(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 16:52, 21 replies)
Where's this from?
Looks worryingly authentic.
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 17:13, closed)
Fritz Springmeier
Fritz Springmeier
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 17:33, closed)
It looks
utter fucking bollocks.
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 20:50, closed)
How many people?
If all these organizations, societies and groups really control the world, how many people are left for them to control?

I mean, if you add up everyone who works for or is affiliated with the people in that there list the only person left for them to be controlling is probably some old woman sat at home with her dog - maybe they get her to make them tea and biscuits.
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 17:54, closed)
I'm part of the illuminati.
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 18:08, closed)
This may come as a bit of a suprise to you then:

The Illuminati do not call themselves by that name anyway.
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 18:18, closed)
a ha!
Of course we don't call ourselves by THAT name!
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 18:19, closed)
The Palladium
As in one night at the London Palladium? Stand up conspiracy jokers!!
(, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 21:15, closed)
Me too!
*Offers secret handshake*
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 19:22, closed)
Me three.
Last on the list of Royal Bloodlines.
(, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 10:28, closed)
Longest ever episode of BBC's 'Who Do You Think You Are' outlined...

(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 19:37, closed)
I like the way Enron are part of the NWO...
...even though they went bust.

Or did they? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 19:42, closed)
That includes just about everyone.

(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 21:47, closed)
(, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 23:41, closed)
...but where's the Accounts Department?
(, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 11:50, closed)
Clearly lies
- No mention of lizards
- Nestlé not on the corporations list
- B3ta not mentioned among media conspirators.
(, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 12:05, closed)
That bottom diagram
is like the worst slide from the powerpoint presentation of my nightmares.
(, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 13:42, closed)

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