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When walking somewhere in a hurry, carry a heavy bag with you. Swinging it will enable you to corner more rapidly.
(, Mon 4 Apr 2011, 10:15, 5 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
Will carrying a heavy bag
not tire you out more than the benefits realised when cornering?
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 9:56, Reply)
The pleasure of rapid cornering
outweighs any weight-induced losses
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 14:50, Reply)

I like the idea, but my understanding of centripetal forces leads me to believe that the bag wouldn't help you to corner any faster; that is, it would take more energy to take a corner at speed *with* the bag than without it.

The best that could be said for it is that people are likely to move out of the way of a heavy bag approaching them quickly at groin height.
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 20:48, Reply)
There's a knack to it
You have to swing the bag at the right time and it will sort of pull you into the corner. Trust me, it's worth perfecting this for rapid cornering, particularly in shopping centres.
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 21:13, Reply)

I can certainly imagine what you mean — swing heavy bag in a horizontal arc, starting a bit behind you, in your (probably straightened) right arm, and then corner sharply to the left; you have to lean quite a bit further to the left in order to take the corner, and your legs have to push harder than normal, so you feel like you must be speeding round that bend.

Thing is, it's a bit of an illusion. You're only doing the same speed you'd be doing anyway, you're just having to put more effort into it so it *feels* faster. But that's it — you're *putting more effort in*.

If you left the heavy bag at home and put the same effort into, say, walking a bit faster, you'd get there quicker, and expend less energy. Honest.

That's not to say that it isn't enormous *fun* to speed-walk round corners in shopping centres while swinging heavy bags at groin height. :o)
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 21:20, Reply)

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