Are you a troll? Ever been trolled? Ever pwn3d a troll with your 1337 intarnet sk1llz? Or do you live under a bridge and eat goats? Tell us your trolly stories, both from the web and from real life
Thanks to The Hedgehog From Hell for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 May 2011, 11:49)
are you a girl then
do you have nice boobs?
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Thu 19 May 2011, 13:04,
1 reply)
yes, and yes.
(actually no - i'm a 40 year old trucker called dave)
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 19 May 2011, 13:06,
But you still have nice boobies
SigmaX0 Dear Die Hard. You rock!, Thu 19 May 2011, 13:14,
of course.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 19 May 2011, 14:31,
pics of stfu
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Thu 19 May 2011, 14:54,
who is stfu?
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 19 May 2011, 15:09,
Oh dear. It appears I have been got.
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Thu 19 May 2011, 15:44,