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This is a question Tales of the Unexplained

Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...

Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!

suggestion by Kaol

(, Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
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Throughout human history, and especially in the last 70 years or so, there have been numerous sightings of unexplained lights in the sky at night.

These are frequently attributed to craft flown by extraterrestrial beings. Now, I don't know. Maybe this is indeed the case, but if they want to examine our planet, why not do it during the daytime?

OK, maybe they want to sneak around and spy on us under the cover of darkness. But it that's the case, and if they're smart enough to build spacecraft that can fly here through the endless voids of space, what I want to know is:

why the hell do they need lights on their flying saucers at night?
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 8:54, 8 replies)
Similarly ...
... why do they always want to 'probe' midwestern rednecks with double-barrel first names. If you were an intelligent life form (and I'm not suggesting for one minute that you're not) wouldn't you prefer to probe say, Angelina Jolie or Halle Berry or the like ?
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:15, closed)
Especialy in the last 70 years or so.... Funny how no-one ever realy equates that with roughtly the length of time we've had commercialy viable air travel....
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:42, closed)
And cows...
...what's the deal with cows?
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:48, closed)
I live in the so called 'Falkirk Triangle' www.ufoencounters.co.uk/TheFalkirkTriangle.html and I have yet to see any evidence of UFO's

Call me sceptical but I say it's a load of bollocks.
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 9:51, closed)
And also
why would they bother drawing pictures in wheat and barley fields? Why not just drop leaflets from their saucers if they're trying to contact us? That way, we'd all get their communication and the farmers wouldn't be so pissed off.
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:01, closed)
As a believer...
A lot of people may think theyve been abducted by aliens when there was another reason for it. They could have been abducted by humans. (see X Files)

A lot make it up.

They probably choose redneks mostly because they continually claim they are abductees, therefore therefore no one would believe them. They are probably a safe bet to study human anatomy.

Some UFOs have actually been spotted during the daytime.

Crop circles? Really not sure. Maybe the craft landed and burnt the crops and they have amusing shapes underneath them? Some are man made.

Cows? Obviously they like to eat beef.

I do not believe they are trying to contact us though. Why on earth would any alien race want to contact humans? We are a hostile force. We cant even accept differences between each other without taking on a race from another planet.
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:30, closed)
Always wondered that myself, really...unless there's an extra-terrestrial version of the ICAO, that is.
(, Sat 5 Jul 2008, 19:44, closed)
they are trying not to freak us the fuck out. When the human race wakes up and realises we aren't God's creation, but the product of some alien species' experiment, we may not take it too lightly.

Soooooo, the aliens visit us, do all the things they want to do, clinically observe us at will, just like the scientific subjects we are, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.
Now, to stop us running around in a panic and society breaking down, the aliens play a little game where they fly about in brightly lit craft, juuuuust out of reach and unable to be proven. That's why with all their technology they always seem to be mending their ships or collecting soil samples in clearings in woods, before being "surprised", jumping back in and zooming off. If they can travel across the universe, they can surely tell that Billy Bob is approaching and leave before he spots them? Unless they want us to get a glimpse, it stops us looking elsewhere, other more overt places for them............

Anyway, I didn't come up with this theory, nor do I necessarily subscribe to it (in fact I don't really give a toss, I have enough to worry about without aliens being involved)

Read the Krill Papers and decide for yourself (composed by OH1 Krill, an allegedly real-life gen-you-wine alien), if nothing else it's a good read and doesn't quite follow the usual paths of UFO/alien theories, which actually makes it that bit more plausible.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 22:41, closed)

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