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This is a question Useless advice

As a new parent, people seem to think it's OK to pass on any and every old wives tale possible. "Don't hug him too much". What? Quite what possesses people to pass on baseless, idiotic, useless advice I don't know.

That said, I quite often give car drivers directions and then, after they've moved off, realise that I've sent them down a bike-only route, so I can give as good as I get.

What useless advice have you been given (or handed out) recently?

(, Thu 19 Oct 2006, 10:29)
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Damn Merkin tourists...
As a lad in Leicester square an American asked me how to find Picadilly circus. (For those who don't know it's the large illuminated corner about 100 metres away!).

I told them the circus was out of town at the moment on tour but would be back in the summer.

They looked dissappointed to have missed the circus performance, they thought it was there all year... :-)
(, Fri 20 Oct 2006, 10:48, Reply)

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