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Home » Question of the Week » Useless advice » Post 64106 | Search
This is a question Useless advice

As a new parent, people seem to think it's OK to pass on any and every old wives tale possible. "Don't hug him too much". What? Quite what possesses people to pass on baseless, idiotic, useless advice I don't know.

That said, I quite often give car drivers directions and then, after they've moved off, realise that I've sent them down a bike-only route, so I can give as good as I get.

What useless advice have you been given (or handed out) recently?

(, Thu 19 Oct 2006, 10:29)
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Oil go fwoosh!
" Don't use the microwave for popcorn when Dad's in the room, he has a pacemaker and it'll kill him!'

1.) My dad does NOT have a pacemaker. Oddly enough. And if he did he'd be living in a secluded cottage in India avoiding all major machinery that might 'set it off crooked'.
2.) The giver of this advice then promptly burned off their eyelashes and sent a pillar of flame up to our recently repainted and replastered ceiling, trying to make stovetop popcorn. We have a mark there now.
She lives alone. Poor thing.
(, Tue 24 Oct 2006, 1:24, Reply)

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