B3ta Villain of the Year 2010
We voted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as B3ta's Person of the Year. Who do you have as 2010's scoundrel and why?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 12:34)
my missus
For not putting out all day
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 17:53,
3 replies)
Well, not with you anyway
nudge nudge, wink wink etc.
Predictable responses-r-us
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 19:33,
to be fair
I have been dragged around too many shops
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 21:50,
I've not dared go into any shops
They're mentally busy I've been told. I'd just get the rage.
Well done for surviving, quite a feat!
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 22:21,