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This is a question Worst Band Ever

If I was in charge of the B3ta fatwa department, we wouldn't be hearing too much from Simply Red in the future. Who's on your musical shit list and why?

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 12:00)
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insipid, trout-mouthed little fuckers, ruining my teenage years by ensnaring my sister and cousins with their shit music, meaning that i heard it wherever i went.
burn in hell, you jedward-inspiring fucknuggets.
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 18:55, 4 replies)
for this:

jedward-inspiring fucknuggets
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 20:11, closed)
i hate them all so much

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 20:23, closed)
before Hoss.
(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 20:58, closed)
i haven't got a hoss

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 22:10, closed)

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