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Home » Question of the Week » Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way? » Post 11075 | Search
This is a question Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way?

My personal best was being dumped on birthday after spending the day at my mothers house putting 20 years of childhood possessions in a skip. Can you beat that? Surely you can.

(, Thu 17 Jun 2004, 16:14)
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Oh dear, oh dear....
The worst time I was ever dumped was on my 14th birthday, back in secondary school. My girlfriend at the time wrote me a note saying something on the lines of: "It's not working out, I don't want to shag you, you're too dirty for me." So I, enraged by this, wrote her a note back, which went something along the lines of "Well fuck you you stupid whore, all I wanted was a suck. You are a boring bitch. At least you put some money in my birthday card. I hate you."

What I didn't count on was her telling everybody what was in the note, so my immensley short-sighted behaviour led me to be hated by almost all the girls, destroying my future chances with them.

The fucking cranberry.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:25, Reply)

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