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I think you're winding us up
because you know we'll bite. On the offchance you're not: "Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is the biggest cause of non-genetic mental handicap in the western world and the only one that is 100% preventable."
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:43, archived)
(can't go to the page - bloody libraries)
And that's repetitive drinking, isn't it? (Like I said, can't access page)
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:45, archived)
jesus h christ woman, how old are you?
Just don't drink at all, you soft tart.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:46, archived)
Go and speak to a medical professional before you do any damage you silly little girl.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:46, archived)
So you got pissed last week and again yesterday.
re·pet·i·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-pt-tv)
Given to or characterized by repetition.

rep·e·ti·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rp-tshn)
The act or process or an instance of repeating or being repeated.
A recitation or recital, especially of prepared or memorized material.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:47, archived)
and no.

and I really can't believe you didn't know that
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:47, archived)
Dearie me
or just fucking Google it.

Which bit of pumping alcohol around a foetus strikes you as mostly harmless?
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:48, archived)
Causing a child to suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome is really nothing short of child abuse and it lasts for life.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:45, archived)
I would posit
that FAS is more damaging than neo-natal heroin withdrawal.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:47, archived)
and can also cause smaller heads
poor coordination, short memories, smaller heads, smaller heads and short memories.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:48, archived)
i think you forgot
smaller heads
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:51, archived)
what about them?

(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:53, archived)
i can't rememeber

(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:56, archived)
care for a drink?

(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 12:00, archived)
only if it's gin

with a dead baby float
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 12:02, archived)
well i think youre all over reacting
my mum drank when she was pregnant and im abolutely ornate pasty whitebread fish.

so there.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:48, archived)
you can drink
where drink = the odd glass of (ideally) red wine

and the odd = not more than one a week or so.

but getting drunk is soooo stupidly dangerous for a foetus
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:51, archived)
im pretty much in agreement with Dr Shambolic

either shes lying about being pregnant (morally wrong)

Or being so ignorant it beggers belief
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:53, archived)