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Is it even funny here today?
What rating would you give today on here?
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:16, archived)
6.2 average

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:16, archived)
my rating
5 cabbages
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:17, archived)
9.9 because YOU are here JMG

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:17, archived)
THIS is the best answer so far, and you go to the top of the class.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:17, archived)
4 Coulombs

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)
17.5 Volts

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
Sexy MF shakin' that ass shakin' that ass shakin' that ass

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:20, archived)
No, milli farads, not Mother Fuckers.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:22, archived)
If you are (a) a geek, and (b) of a certain age, then it is compulsory to sing 'sexy milli farad shakin' that ass, etc' every time another geek of a certain age mentions milli farads.

It is hilarious.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:24, archived)
µF is pronounced like 'muff',
nF like 'naff'
and pF like 'poof'.

Hilarity ensues.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:27, archived)
I can't believe you wear Hi Tec trainers, you gay.
u nF pF. u dnt lyk µF.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:31, archived)
old? you mean old, don't you.
you old.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:27, archived)
50 farads

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
too late.

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:21, archived)
a gentleman never comes first
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:23, archived)
26 newtonmetres per faradvolt

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
I've just come back from playing Oblivion for a bit.
I'm downloading a 300mb Warcraft update.
I just ate 4 croissants and a can of energy drink.
I have four (FOUR!) jars of marmite in my cupboards, I don't know why.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)
i got a re-roll because of the update yesterday.
I made this face :/
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:20, archived)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:21, archived)
re-doing all my talent points.
they changed a lot of things for Druids - when they do that they let you re-choose the talent points again.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:37, archived)
I assume by re-roll you mean
a regurgitated sandwich.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:20, archived)
i like you.
you eat croissants.

you will rule the world one day.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)
Its not as good as myspace

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)
MySpace harbours even MORE fatties than this place.
On MySpace though, you get to upload pictures of "yourself" which aren't actually you.

Oh the connundrum this leaves. :(
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
Damn the fatties

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
On this place you have to concentrate quite hard to imagine that the fatties and spotties are actually sexually attractive young women
whereas on myspazz they give you a head start.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:22, archived)
I'ts just as shit as any other day

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:18, archived)
1.19 Gigawatts
a little bit extra, and we'd be going places. As it stands, we're just a shakey little teenager in a shit car who hangs around with wierd old men and our own mothers.
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:19, archived)
The knobs go to 11
but we're rocking out at about 6
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:20, archived)