I want this game.
Is £1.49 good for a 14 day trial? Just in case I can't get into it.
WHARRGARBL, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:39,
its rubbish and you wont get a life, my housemates play it, and you can easierly not see them for a whole week. which can be good as their cunts. plus it sucks up the bandwidth, ponces.
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:43,
hello Hysteria
i quite liked you the other day, this post isn't doing much for me though
Clairebare Back once again with the Ill behaviour, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:43,
I've had a Sociology mock today.
Things will pick up later.
WHARRGARBL, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:46,
it sounds reasonable from what the others are suggesting.
i would say give it a go if you are interested.
sleepybinky, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:44,
Keep your £1.49.
It could go towards buying a real person a beer in a real social situation.
Fork Has lost his bash virginity!, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:44,
will that beer last 14 days?
Grrrmachine the indifference engine, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:45,
only if you're not very thirsty
Clairebare Back once again with the Ill behaviour, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 15:47,