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some people like to get that kind of thing from their partner
I know I'd like to get a text like that once in a while, instead of being nagged by sms
Dangermouse., Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:54,
dnnrs n dog. Gt ktchup from suprmrkt.
need mr toil8 roll. rmbr 2 pick kds from skool.
thediscokingpin, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:58,
i really hate the abreviations in SMS messages.
I spell and punctuate everything in full, and use up 6 concatenated messages at a time just to say hello to somebody.
turb0t, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:00,
As do I actually.
I cannot remember the abbreviations, so I end up using normal language.
thediscokingpin, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:03,
the abbreviations aren't in my phone's dictionary
so it's easier not to even bother. the thought that people put all that extra effort in to make unintelligible nonsense...
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:07,
I do like the word Concatenated.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:07,
What total tosh.
Newington, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:10,
gt hme frm wrk asap
my bf wnts me 2 stp ovr agn.
need mr cndms
Dangermouse., Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:01,
I just read that as "Need Mister Condoms"
It made me do a laugh.
The Baroness The Harlot Pimpernel, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:20,
at least you didn't see "need more condoms" and wonder why, since we don't use them.
but that's just me.
Dangermouse., Mon 10 Dec 2007, 13:27,
Well I'm told
"If you don't sms me, then I won't SMS you"
turb0t, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 12:58,