prolapsed fannies are like big bloody ballonns
They ming.
Cleisthenes morning sickness is a bitch, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:10,
Shiny red balloons?
*grins like a mong*
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:11,
How do they cure it?
Stuff it all back in and use a staple gun?
hoifbjifbef, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:12,
You bastard, I nearly snorted beer there.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:13,
I should be a doctor.*
*100% fact of nature.
hoifbjifbef, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:15,
i thought it would be fanny glue distilled from the drippings
cumquat may will not be commenting further on the allegations, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:19,
It's the best fat to make Yorskshire puddings from!
hoifbjifbef, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:20,
Thats what WHO recommend.
I use split pins at my Harley Street Clinic.
Cleisthenes morning sickness is a bitch, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:14,
I've never looked at one
Jadeviper was still alive on, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 22:12,