I can be detained for 6 weeks without charge thanks to Jacqui Smith
Why don't the police just arrest suspects for something small where they can prove guilt, and then use the rest of their time proving that they're terrorists, rather than detaining people without any evidence at all?
SuperMatt, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 17:17,
Fucking classic.
Why not have a system based on arresting people who you can prove are guilty.
You know, a Justice system based on justice.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 17:18,
what if they didn't do anything small and illegal?
unless it's illegal to go to Maplin now. I fear it will be before too long.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 17:30,