Well we did,
but it was rubbish.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:46,
It was also only for people who really needed it
not just ones who thought a bigger pair would make their lives better.
The Cat's Mother Not a People Person., Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:48,
Here, maybe.
You could have always just gone to the states, where they'll do just about anything if you're prepared to pay for it.
It disturbs me that there are now adverts for cosmetic surgery out in public, particularly in bus shelters, of all places. It's the new rich chav must have.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:51,
It's also seen as acceptable for young people
who may not have finished growing yet.
The Cat's Mother Not a People Person., Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:53,
But surely by waiting
there is a chance they grow up to ugly?
But seriously, I thought there had been a ruling recently about those adverts?
Bazongaloid, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:55,
I don't know,
but I noticed one in a taxi only a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe the ruling didn't ban all adverts for cosmetic surgery clinics outright.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:09,
I like how they make adverts look so much like articals, that they need to write a note saying it's an advert.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 12:59,
like a linguist
Bazongaloid, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:02,
Like the 118 adverts that look like a comic.
Or the adverts for sweets in the Beano.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:09,