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That's a comboin aaaaaaaarrrvester.
Captn Hood-Butter is not dead yet., Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:20,
Oi cant read and oi cant write but oi can drive my trattor
Mykeyboy A massive, salty filing cabinet, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:21,
If the Wurzels covered Genesis
you should rewrite the songs.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:22,
go down pub, drink 10 pints, get completly plasterd
go back home shag the kids, oim a dirty farmer bastard
mongychops, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:24,
I was camping in Cornwall years ago
The field next door was essentially a shit tip. Two boys were arguing in the morning "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad, he won' let me droive the trakdur"
"Gerrout the fuggin' cab, you li'l basturd and let yer brother in"
"Fuck off Daaaaaad"
bogus official shove it up your cunt, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:28,
I grew up in Cornwall. I think I know these people.
thealternativefact, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:34,
That was at Tintagel
Lovely spot
bogus official shove it up your cunt, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:40,
I had every one of my summers there for about 5 years :)
You've just made me get all reminiscent.
There used to be a pub in a cliff face called 'The Port Issac' I think just down the round from Boscastle, did the best scampi ever and had a Table that you could play Space Invaders on :)
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:45,
Table top games were ace
If you're lucky you can click an electric lighter near the coin slot and get free games
bogus official shove it up your cunt, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:48,
I wish I had an electric lighter at the age of 7 :)
I think games were 20p. Also they had Commando. My dad would just put a fist full of change down and tons of Scampi Fries whilst he and my mum got pissed as me and my brothers punched each other got dibs on first go :)
Ah man I want to go back there :( I know it won't be the same but would be cool if it was :)
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:52,
Being Cornwall
it's probably exactly the same :)
thealternativefact, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:56,
hahaha, i'll be camping all next week judging by one lads catch report
fuck all
mongychops, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:34,
Well, you have a nice demi tent
bogus official shove it up your cunt, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:41,
What will you be camping in?
*waits for it*
OneSullenBrit *air sandwiches*, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:48,
an aqua m3
mongychops, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:58,
god that's hilarious. so fucking accurate of everyone in the fricking countryside.
sleepybinky, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:40,
*does the NEW HAT dance*
sleepybinky, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:41,
is it a SMASHING hat?
manolith hooray for me, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 10:43,
it is a black trilby. i feel ... poncey.
sleepybinky, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 11:11,
manolith hooray for me, Tue 17 Mar 2009, 11:14,