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piss off little girl, come back when you have something interesting to add to this forum, give it 15-20 years eh

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 7:54, archived)
and you class yourself as interesting I'm guessing?
I'll piss off when I feel like it - not because some prick with an inferiority complex feels the need to constantly put people down for fun. okay? okay.
Love and fluff.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 7:58, archived)
i'm just telling you to fuck off, and why not make a good try at killing yourself whilst you're at it
i'll try an shed a fake tear if you die, promise
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:01, archived)
I figured that.
You know your forum banter's really getting crap lately. Try harder next time.
love and fluff.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:02, archived)
shall i show everyone the lovely gaz you sent me? just for giggles, how you are sooooo grown up? fuck off

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:03, archived)
you mean the one I still have a copy of?
The one where I was nice and tried explaining myself to you when I didn't have to? The one you never replied to?
seriously - if you have that much of a problem with me - just hit "ignore". I'm not going anywhere.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:09, archived)
post it up then, i don't reply to everybodies letters, i try but i am very busy
i have no interest in you or your issues, no ofnce
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:11, archived)
If you have no interest, then why are you still replying?
click "ignore". It's that easy.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:13, archived)
i've never seen the need to ignore anyone
as you yourself said little angel girl, just a message on the screen, so how did you help that fella not kill himself? proud of that one?
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:16, archived)
Hmm lets see,
I talked to him for nearly an hour on the phone?
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:22, archived)
is that why he wanted to kill himself?

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:23, archived)
yeah that's exactly why.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:27, archived)
then i'm not sure you did him a favour not letting him die, he may never get over the boredom

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:30, archived)
Oh I'm sure he will.
now you though, gosh you make me sleepy...
/falls asleep from boredom.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:33, archived)
you're out of order. settle.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:03, archived)
you can sod off bellend

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:04, archived)

Thanks for overview of the plan. Please provide specific instructions cockmonkey.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:06, archived)
are you an internet white knight? are you riding to the rescue? pathetic forum user?

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:07, archived)

oh, you caught me out. I am the new toothpaste. Well spotted. PLUS- I simply dislike tossbag asshat dickfucks.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:10, archived)
are you another one that wants to fuck this teenage girl then? i get confused with you qotw lot

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:15, archived)

heh... dumb as they come arent you...
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:19, archived)
this doesn't really answer the question, are you being an internet white knight to sleep with this poster ?
or do you go into battle for all the timid forum posters?
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:21, archived)

wtf are you on about you bunny?

get a grip and stop hassling people to amuse yourself.

grow the fuck up.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:23, archived)
oh i'm so sorry, you've taught me a lesson , i made a mistake crossing you online, i will grow up straight away, thanks for your input

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:26, archived)
Regardless - he's actually being decent.
you're not.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:24, archived)
shut up and fuck off
no offence
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:27, archived)

been single long?
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:29, archived)
i really don't see the link between b3ta and being single, could you explain this one for me? you seem to have alot of insider info, are you a mod of this site? you seem to know all the rules

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:32, archived)

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:34, archived)
Wow. Mature.
You know just because I'm younger then you, and female, doesn't mean I'm going to let you bully me away.
(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:30, archived)
i am just stating my views, i feel you should fuck off, you do what you feel best

(, Sat 20 Jun 2009, 8:33, archived)