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I hate insomnia. I hate it in its stupid face.

Tea and toast anyone?
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 6:44, archived)
I have a huge pint o'Tea.
Bloody insomnia indeed; I've been awake since quarter to six for some bloody reason.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 6:46, archived)
I haven't slept yet.
I'm going to wait till the mini-me goes to school then snuggle down on my sofa for nappins.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 6:49, archived)
You need to sort your sleep pattern out by the weekend
And by the time you start your new job.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:00, archived)
It's only because Badger is on nights
and I've not been too bad with my sleeping pattern. I'm just a bit iffy due to whoremoans.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:00, archived)
Then stop moaning MAS

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:05, archived)
I'd quite like a cure for the common cold please.
If you have one laying around, that is.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:07, archived)
Black Elderberry extract reduces the symptoms of cold and flu dramatically, apparently
But it comes in the form of Sambucol, which is £9 a bottle. My other half swears by it.

EDIT: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elderberry#Medicinal_Use Says Flu B here, but he says it helps his asthma during a cold.

Also, there's strong evidence that echinacea and vitamin c combined boost your immune system
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:22, archived)
Have you got a link to the studies that prove it?

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:43, archived)
I swear by nightnurse
although I am in deep shit if E wakes up and the nurse is still here!
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:24, archived)
You could go and pick your own, they're growing everywhere at the moment.
Although this doesn't talk about vitamin C and echinacea combined, it pretty much discredits using either individually to cure colds
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:45, archived)
I can't find the original papers, just the news articles referring to them
They were in some journal at my uni. However, the NHS is right; taking them daily BEFORE the cold has taken effect is obviously more beneficial, as it doesn't fight the virus, it boosts the immune system itself.

HOWEVER there are also studies that say taking echinacea for more than a set amount of time reduces the effects of it anyway. I found as many studies showing this as I did showing that MMR caused autism. Which is very few.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:54, archived)
Sorry, Cochrane have dealt with vitamin C and echinacea.
Vitamin C is pretty conclusively found to have no benefit for prevention or treatment.
Also no evidence for Echinacea preventing colds, but apparently some evidence for effectiveness as a treatment.
edit: links www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/ab000980.html
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:03, archived)
Aren't you going to be part of the NHS and probably at some point put in a situation where patients might actually fucking listen to your medical advice?
Dear fucking lord.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:47, archived)
Isn't this like every other thing Sammi has claimed to have done?
She'll 'drop out' again.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:52, archived)
What the fuck?
I've dropped out of Biology. I have an Animal Management qualification and I think the only other thing I dropped out of is St John Ambulance :/
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:58, archived)
Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up shut up. You inconceivably ignorant and delusional moron.
Go and lie about get pregnant and pissed, you unutterably pointless waste of cells.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:00, archived)
You're funny.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:02, archived)
You're not.
You're tragic.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:11, archived)
There was that miscarriage, although it's more the case that it dropped out of you.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:01, archived)
I think the amount of booze she was drinking may have helped matters.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:09, archived)
now that is some very wide hips.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:24, archived)
Even if she had a stethoscope around her neck and a shiny badge saying "World Renowned Expert"
nobody with a head still attached is going to pay any fucking attention to her. Surely.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:59, archived)
I'm just thinking of the NHS.
There's lots of people in distress who will turn to anyone for advice.

Also lots of obvious mentals.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:02, archived)
I'm not trying to be funny here, but what do you think the course is FOR?
It's a 3 year degree, not a 1 year NVQ
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:06, archived)
You wont last a year.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:08, archived)
Why's that, then?
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:19, archived)
Because you are without doubt the single, most stupid human being I have ever had the misfortune to spend time with
with the all the intelligence, wit, charm, and social skills of John McCririck crossed with Bernard Manning.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:28, archived)
you'd better tell that to the admissions tutor, the exam marker
and the specialist dementia care home owner who asked me to return in my holidays to work!
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:35, archived)
All of them ticking a lovely diversity box.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:37, archived)
To be fair, I was in no position to give good advice when I started my course.
That's what training is for. Not that patients ever ask me for advice anyway.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:14, archived)
There's a fashion thing on the news at the moment and I'm sure I just saw a bit of nip.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:22, archived)
Get. Laid. Soon.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:43, archived)
I know :((

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:45, archived)
Lemsip Max Strength pills are quite good
I'll be taking some soon.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:30, archived)
Oooh, excellent
No longer have to drink that vile stuff! Though I have Benelyn Day & Night in my emergency stash alongside antibiotics, anadin extra and Sore Nose Cream
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:32, archived)
You really are ignorant in almost all directions, aren't you?
Read a fucking book.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:40, archived)
Is this in relation to antibiotics?
Because I get them prescribed for the nearly 100% rate that my cold will lead to bronchitis 3 weeks later, that takes ages to shift.

I certainly don't take antibiotics for the viral stage; I live it out like everybody else.

Oh, and I've only used them twice.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:49, archived)

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:52, archived)
Oh my.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:53, archived)
I have eustacian tube dysfunction
and within 48 hours of me getting a cold I end up with an ear infection in both ears, my ears will bleed, I lose all sense of balance and the pain is indescribable. I will be near enough deaf within 3 days which will last for 3 weeks and for 2 months after I will have horrific tinnitus.
But like everyone else I will wait until it happens to go to the doctors because for a start no decent doctor would pre-prescribe antibiotics. I am not qualified to diagnose that it's an ear infection even though I know I have one I am not a doctor, It seems far more sensible to go and see someone who knows what they are looking for and let them make the decision.

And also Antibiotics are not recommended for Bronchitis, as its inflammation and not an infection
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:08, archived)
You're wasting your time I'm afraid.
She's a compulsive liar and a retard.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:11, archived)
It's almost too easy Shambles.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:12, archived)
Sorry, no can do.
Drink plenty of fluids, take ibuprofen and paracetamol, increase your spicy food intake and have plenty of hot steamy baths. If your nose gets really blocked up, dissolve half a packet of mentholated sweets in boiling water and inhale the steam.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:45, archived)
I did discover last night that plastering the lower half of my face in Tesco own-brand vicks had an amazing effect.
Woke up this morning feeling like I'd been spunked on, but my nose is nowhere near as sore as it was yesterday.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:48, archived)
all of this and olbas tissues for when your out of the house.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:19, archived)
you could have lungs, oesophagus and sinal cavities surgically removed
but it's more of a short term solution
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:49, archived)
i was sleeping just fine
but had to get up to give the other half a lift to work. Somehow, instead of utilising my early start to make it to work early, allowing me to leave early, I've ended up on here.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:30, archived)
nothing beats insomnia than reading a book on computer programming
when the brain registers full, it goes into shutdown mode
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:39, archived)
probably a buffer overflow problem

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:41, archived)
You can't really overflow a register unless it's a fifomygod that's dull.

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:44, archived)
see what I mean

(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 7:46, archived)
Yes please.
I only went to bed at 5 after a night of punching well above my weight (and I'm fat eh).
I'm on the sofa now while Tegan watches Mickey Mouse.
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:15, archived)
i`ll pass on the tea
but TOAST!
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 8:22, archived)