Are you some sort of cunt?
What's next - cuddle a kitten or get AIDS? Have chocolate pressed into your mouth by voluptuous dryads or get raped by a zombie Nazi with bees in his mouth and when he says 'ACHTUNG!' he yells bees at you? Do a crossword or eat the crossword then do a sick then eat the sick then do a poo then eat the sickpoo then die and be autopsied and explode and make a mess of crosswordy sickpoo all over the walls?
( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:31, archived)

too afraid to stand his own ground, but who wants to seem hard and pokes his head out every now and again and goes yeahhhh!
are you one of those people? i really think you are.
( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:37, archived)

"time to break from my wacky mould and be more of a prick, wahhhhhhhh"
( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:45, archived)

That's vaguely related to a comedian isn't it?
( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:48, archived)

( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:38, archived)

but feel free to continue making yourself seem ignorant
( , Tue 1 Dec 2009, 23:33, archived)