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No way
It's way too stupid to work out my password.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 13:59, archived)
can you stop behaving like a woman and jsut tell us what he did?
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 13:59, archived)
He called me a cunt in front of my children
I called him up on it and he punched a hole in a partition wall in my house in temper. It sort of escalated from there.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:01, archived)
I hope you sternly made him repair it immediately

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:01, archived)
that'll do it
baldmonkey IS a fucking prick
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:01, archived)
ban baldmonkey!
if we can have a trade i chose twohats, ban baldmonkey!
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:03, archived)
he's not twohats anymore

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:03, archived)
sorry Two Hats

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:04, archived)
can't you just fuck and get it out of your systems?

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:02, archived)
Pics or GTFO.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:02, archived)
Oh man if that's true this whole thing is even funnier than it was originally.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:03, archived)
This ^
Their mum's will be stepping in soon to make sure that they swap back all their action figures and mega drive games.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:05, archived)
it sounds a bit like balders really is a bit of a spastic,
temper issues or something
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:09, archived)
i have no idea if this is true
but i can well believe that baldmonkey is a massive prick so it seems possible
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:08, archived)
Is he as fat, spasticated and ballbag as we he looks in videos?

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:05, archived)
No, just taller

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:05, archived)
but is he a baller?
and WHY would you touch his wife inappropriately? doesn't she have enough to deal with?
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:13, archived)
dude maybe she turned to the kindly sympathetic gentleman in despair

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:14, archived)
If you were married to him, wouldn't you?
But no, this didn't happen. He's totally exagerrating.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:15, archived)
exaggerating eh? so something DID happen...?

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:21, archived)

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:22, archived)
you said exagerrating, what did you do taht he exagerrated?
did you tell her she had nice tits?
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:24, archived)
attracted to his fine millinery attire

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:15, archived)

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:05, archived)
You were the one swearing.
I only called you a cunt to demonstrate how inappropriate it was.
In my book "shit" and "wanker" ARE just as bad in front of kids.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:06, archived)

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:07, archived)
that's probably pretty bad in front of kids too
and stop touching his wife
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:08, archived)
that is some tremendous sounding logic, tell us more!

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:09, archived)
I wish I could believe for just even a second.
That this isn't some massive set up.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:11, archived)
i mean it sounds likely, it sounds like the sort of shitcunters the fat ballbag might do but i mean,
why would two hats even go over his house in the first place? who would do that? and i mean, i dunno, it just doesnt seem likely. i want to believe balders is a prick irl tho, i would just rather know that than that he is just a dull prick online doing dull set ups like this oh man
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:13, archived)
but they HAVE been to each other's houses, to do that music thing they spack about all the time.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:17, archived)
oh rite, i never click on balders links, i did a few a while back but they just werent good
so they have history so it could be real, i mean more likely than if they'd no history i guess
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:24, archived)
Do you think it is somehow revenge for when he went a bit mental online the other day?

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:18, archived)
in what sense? not sure i follow

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:23, archived)
I don't really know I'm just trying to get inside the mind of a mental.
I was thinking this could all be a set-up and in baldmonkey's head that makes us all cunts for believing it somehow.
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:24, archived)
This is the build up for the release of their album.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:13, archived)
Don't you see? To rise above it, he sunk lower

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:13, archived)
and then punched the wall like some sort of autism who didnt get what he wanted

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:14, archived)
this is JMG's fault

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:14, archived)
fucks sake jammers

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:15, archived)
what a cunt, fucken JMG
world's worst cupid
(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:15, archived)
that's like using nuclear weapons to show how bad conventional bombs are.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:11, archived)
I've heard your book was shit and you are a wanker.

(, Fri 4 Nov 2011, 14:16, archived)