A warm dribble of semen trickled down his leg as he stood, bent double, panting with the effort of the battle he had just fought.
Teeth marks etched the sides of his rapidly deflating member, a mixture of blood and spunk dripped out of the end, forming a small pool on the marbled floor.
Across the room, still full of her demon seed, Sammi lay; her extended labia beginning to return to their normal shape, almost like a ship's sails being furled. The rows of saw like teeth began to retract into their recesses, disappearing from sight but always ready to snap loose. The central abscess slowly stopped leaking, the trickle of forest green ichor first went from a torrent to a dribble, and then ceased entirely.
'How many more nights must I face this' wondered broadsword wearily, yet he was still proud. By force of will and strength of cock, he had kept the beast sated for another day. One day the world would know of the trials he faced to keep the monster leashed, one day he would be heralded as a hero. Until then; he had work to do.
( , Sat 11 Feb 2012, 12:12, archived)