Putting the 'eggy' in 'smeggy', right here. BELIEVE.
Smegg Wallace The O.G. Q.R., Sat 21 Dec 2024, 12:32,
looks like my landlord is going to have to replace the roof here
merry christmas dude, unlucky
he's a decent fellow, I feel sorry for him, nice that it's not on me for a change tho
Queef Smegwin U r a 🔔🔚, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 12:52,
btw your rent's going up
MiseryCunt stop playing with my bollocks, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 14:26,
just signed new tenancy agreement so if it is, it can't be until the end of next year
in fairness we're paying a good £500 a month under market rate anyway
Queef Smegwin U r a 🔔🔚, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 15:00,
Shit, I remember when 500 a month was the market rate
I'm so glad I had a stable enough income to buy a place in the first housing crash of my adult life. I could not afford to rent now.
Invisible Wizard - 10th Level Nerf-herder, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 15:06,
^ rent boy
Cheers Cheers, Sat 21 Dec 2024, 14:51,