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No Surprises for Derren...
'I could have bribed someone at the Kinder factory - but that would have been illegal...'
From the
Inappropriate TV Product Placement challenge. See all
374 entries (closed)
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:16,
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drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:17,
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OMG, next you'll be telling us santa isn't real :'(
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:18,
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Shada ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:18,
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and Paul cunting Daniels
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:19,
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Derren Brown is a big fibber...
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:18,
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I'm going to come out an say it.
I think this picture is shopped. It's entertaining, but because I think it might be shopped, I've changed my opinion of you completely and no longer find you remotely interesting, you big sell-out.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:21,
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I can assure you that no trickery of any sort was involved.
I will reveal exactly how I did it in a few days...
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:22,
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You asked 24 people what they would shop and took an average?
Mrs Trellis GIN ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:24,
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I'm going to pretend that's what I did
at any rate...
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:31,
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my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:18,
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Shada ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:18,
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What more could anybody want?
Chocolate AND a toy!
Whato_Jeeves Did your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch? ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:19,
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I once got a Kinder Surprise toy with two left legs. I wrote a letter of complaint and received six toys by return of post. But NO chocolate. I was gutted...
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:20,
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Whato_Jeeves Did your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch? ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:22,
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The eggs of numbing inevitability...
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:21,
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Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:22,
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discomeats This canoe ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:25,
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enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:23,
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"shit toys in bits" Only 70p!
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:26,
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hahaha mighty
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:27,
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kinder chocolate is boss!
half milk, half white. just like michael jackson.
The Blue Brony Flogging a Dead Horse Since ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:57,
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Love this! *click*
Q4nobody ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 16:07,
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*remembers the days when Kinder Egg toys used to b e really good little kits, not moulded statuettes*
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:22,
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these are from the 2006 collection.
good spot. They were much better in olden days.
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:23,
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I remember the cars having internal combustion engines
well, pull back and off they go ones at least
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:26,
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with a little metal flywheel, even, I seem to remember...
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:29,
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I remember once getting little transformers in some eggs.. those were really cool
and I rememebr the little cars with a metal wheel thing to help them move along....
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:37,
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Traction engines?
Edit: or not. Clearly my parent lied to me about my Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm off to cry to my therapist.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:59,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:24,
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fannycradock ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:27,
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- D - SharkTrousers ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:30,
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:D :D :D
thanks, you three!
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:32,
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Fuck yes!
Joliet ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:35,
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:) ta!
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:38,
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Barbarossa is not my real name ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 15:38,
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Elvis impersonator ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 16:08,
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i told
my careers teacher at school may years ago that i wanted to be the person who designs kinder egg toys (seriously I do still at 29). Anyway i got sent to the headmaster for being cheeky.
The invisible ham Fig rolls are the best ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 17:34,
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It would be one of the best jobs
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 17:53,
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The invisible ham Fig rolls are the best ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 20:24,
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Can I use this?
oeb ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 17:48,
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If it's not for profit
then sure, help yourself. If it's for t'web, a credit would be nice. I'm flattered! :)
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 17:53,
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Not like that
No no, I am a magician, and I know lots of other magicians. I would like to see if I can work out a method for it and pass it on to them (I don't preform professionally, but some of them do. This would be a thought exercise on my behalf, but if I mention it to them they may want to use it in their acts or something.) I know alot of comedy magicians who would love something like this to take the piss out of Derren.
oeb ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 18:10,
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Oh, I see what you mean...
You know, I was thinking that this might work pretty well as a real trick. Go for it! Constructing your own magic tricks sounds like a wonderful pastime. And then post a video of it over on /links!
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 18:28,
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I will try
The method will be simple enough, just gotta convince one of them to do it =) (I am not serious enough to pull off a fake mentalist routine, need someone intense with a goatee.)
oeb ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 18:32,
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Derren's goatee does most of the work.
enceladus ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 18:43,
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I would have loved this skill as a kid
That and being able to transform the shitty toys into decent ones Nice work too BTW
Sheep! ,
Fri 18 Sep 2009, 20:02,
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oh, yes!
It would have saved some heartache.
enceladus ,
Mon 21 Sep 2009, 12:38,
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prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Sat 19 Sep 2009, 10:12,
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And it's been nicked by the Sun today
It appears, without credit, on page 36. Go forth and sue.
nasalhair The Twix guy! ,
Mon 21 Sep 2009, 12:24,
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So I see! Thanks very much for letting me know.
- I shall get on the case!
enceladus ,
Mon 21 Sep 2009, 12:37,
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I noticed that as well...
I hope you make them pay you so much money that they all die in a horrible Diana style coach crash before being raped by devils.
elfinpunk Touching Cloth Since ,
Tue 22 Sep 2009, 18:46,
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monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Mon 21 Sep 2009, 15:48,
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Shamelessly and uncreditedly
used in the Sun on 22nd Sept!
DavyBoyInGravyJoy Grey Goose Vodka on Ice, nothing finer ,
Thu 24 Sep 2009, 0:16,
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