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» Feb 2007 «

Dr. When's "Doing Something" do thing

10/02/07 0900 - Side roads a bit meh, but the main roads are fine & public transport running as normal. As you were! See you later. Met office says "melty melty" but still chilly.

09/02/07 19:30 - Severe Weather Warning Update: Despite the snowy weather here in t'Midlands, the party is still going ahead.

Bloody hell, it's only a few inches of snow, for pity's sake!

It's my birthday on the weekend prior to St. Valentine's Day. So that I don't get in the way of your celebrations of this unfortunate Catholic martyr, I am having a "do" on this day, the tenth of February.

Because I love you all, I'd like you to come along and celebrate with me.

If you like me enough to spend money on me - perhaps you're one of those eccentric millionaires, or you desperately want to get into my pants - then I have an Amazon Wishlist here.

You will be expected to dress up. Or at the very least, wear an amusing hat. And dance! Dance my pretties!

The venue is upstairs at The City Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, Birmingham - 30 seconds limp away from the bright lights of Broad Street.

WellFired - live rock!
The Sugarfoot Girls - quirky vintage DJ set!
BoogieDave - DJ set. Warning - Extreme breaks!

8PM start. Last orders 1:30AM.

(, Wed 29 Nov 2006, 15:08, Reply)
Go on then...

even if you don't love me :(

(, Thu 30 Nov 2006, 14:42, Reply)
I will have to see

but I will look into it, work pending

(, Thu 30 Nov 2006, 21:03, Reply)
your lovely

i will try my best to get to this

(, Thu 30 Nov 2006, 21:26, Reply)
i can't come now - goddammit

bah - but i will see you soon

(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 17:46, Reply)
I'm seriously hoping to make it to this...

...and I shall endeavour to bring my band. Let's rock!

(, Fri 1 Dec 2006, 12:10, Reply)
Now THAT, my old son...

...is dependent upon whether I can afford it or not.

/buying flat next year blog

(, Fri 1 Dec 2006, 12:47, Reply)
I'm sure we can sort something out...

/isn't in a band for the money blog

(, Fri 1 Dec 2006, 15:11, Reply)
*books groupies*

*pays them in Smarties and Beer*

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 11:21, Reply)

*drugs smarties*

(, Fri 2 Feb 2007, 17:25, Reply)
*eats Blue Smartie*

Oooooooh! Pretty colours.

Ha ha.

Get them off me! GET THEM OFF ME!

(, Tue 6 Feb 2007, 18:47, Reply)

count me in!
(, Mon 4 Dec 2006, 15:37, Reply)


(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 12:00, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 12:34, Reply)
Which bit of the country is this happening in?

(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 14:51, Reply)
zeee birmingham midland typeplaces


(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 14:35, Reply)

Hmmm, Birmingham ... Hmmm, train times and prices ... Oh, but I do love you all so very much ... hmmm.
I'll have to leave rather early again to be able to get home. I shall have to see, I really would like to though!

Edit: penciled in for now :)

(, Wed 6 Dec 2006, 21:43, Reply)
*offers permanent marker*

Here, use this.

(, Fri 8 Dec 2006, 13:54, Reply)
This might be do-able

I'll have to think about the cost first

/always skint blog

(, Thu 7 Dec 2006, 13:41, Reply)
I'm there.

*books self*

(, Fri 8 Dec 2006, 12:47, Reply)
Woo and indeed yay!

(, Fri 8 Dec 2006, 14:49, Reply)

:D *prepares knotting fingers*

(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 14:36, Reply)
If i'm not free,i'd be up for it - be that alright sire?

I shall also be requiring a small amount of floorspace - I can also fit in cupboards if need be

I'd have an awesome, if not rather uncomfortable, costume

(, Thu 14 Dec 2006, 22:32, Reply)
i shall endeavour to attend good doctor

but alas i cannot guarantee, due to my chaotic and unpredictable life at the moment

(, Thu 14 Dec 2006, 23:21, Reply)
This event...

...shall be like unto a rock in the firmament.

(, Fri 15 Dec 2006, 13:06, Reply)
If it's local...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Or in Brum, I should be delighted to attend.
Love or no love.
Had to blow out the last Brum one due to being on a promise (which inevitably turned into a rain of shit). So will redouble efforts to get to this one.
(Coffin-sized amount of floorspace available for waif/stray with low standards)
(, Wed 20 Dec 2006, 17:11, Reply)

Is that the one at The Yenton?

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 15:36, Reply)
Probably not, due to the proximity of the trees, but the source pic is too tightly cropped for easy tellage..

At a guess, I'd say it's one of the other ones.
What do our other readers think?

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 16:05, Reply)
That's been shopped

It really says "The Royal Town Of Sutton Coldfieldshire"

(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 21:00, Reply)
I was vaguely thinking of another brum bash for the anniversary

of the 19th. However, since this is in the right area, Dr, may I adertise it and call it such?

(, Sat 23 Dec 2006, 1:41, Reply)
Am I allowed?

(, Sat 30 Dec 2006, 1:19, Reply)
of course

(, Sat 30 Dec 2006, 2:30, Reply)
I might be able to come, but I wouldn;t be able to say until a few days beforehand

And would probably require somewhere to stay, if anyone could put me up.

(, Sun 31 Dec 2006, 15:25, Reply)
This will be a bit tricky a I will be working in Peterborough by then

but I shall try my dirty damndest to attend.
p.s. did you ever get a copy of the photo your saucy lady friend took at the Hallowween bash in Cov? I luffed it...

(, Mon 1 Jan 2007, 16:09, Reply)
Sounds good

I'll do my utmost to attend, and hopefully bring along Batsgirl too if she's in the area. Costumery will be unlikely, though inappropriate hattage should be expected.

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 2:45, Reply)
I'd quite like to as it's the week after my birthday

but Brum's ever such a long way away.....

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 17:31, Reply)
it is?

*checks atlas*
*uses calipers*
hmm. that rather depends on whereabouts you are.
the nice central location for most places south of scotland is quite easy to get to, even with quite big distances*
go on, give it a shot, the worst that could happen is you might get home with a Brummie accent ;)

edit: ah, 'oodersfield. the point still stands, though going home there with a brummie accent could be a Bad Thing really.
we have trains and motorways this far south too, you know

*excepting suffolk, for some reason. probably as they have yet to discover The Road.

(, Wed 3 Jan 2007, 18:49, Reply)
Best response to a calendar query ever

made me laugh ever such a lot

(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 16:29, Reply)
Get yourself down here mate!

You could probably even crash at mine...
(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 14:07, Reply)
I shall have to see how funds allow

plus there is another issue........................

(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 16:30, Reply)
Another issue?

Don't worry, nobody will point and laugh at your third eye.

(, Mon 8 Jan 2007, 8:54, Reply)

eye nipple
(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 21:23, Reply)


(, Thu 4 Jan 2007, 14:37, Reply)


(, Sat 6 Jan 2007, 18:17, Reply)
Now definitely a no

although this has been the case for ages

I'm so broke it hurts, plus I have mangled my finger in a tragic DIY accident

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 9:23, Reply)

Tragic? Are you sure it wasn't a comedy DIY accident?

Seriously though - hope it's nothing too serious.

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 10:54, Reply)
I don't know who you are,

or what you want, but I will try and turn up anyway. Even if trains to Birmingham are extortionately overpriced.

(, Wed 10 Jan 2007, 16:50, Reply)
I think you'll find

it's the trains *out* of Brum that are the overpriced ones - try looking at a single in each direction and be dismayed ;) they don't want people escaping, you know...
I think you'll get on with doctorwhen just fine :)

(, Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:04, Reply)

I'm not going to be able to make it after all.

But if there is a next time, I will do my best to attend.

(, Fri 26 Jan 2007, 17:43, Reply)
I'll be along unless you tell me not to......you know who I am!

ask Cho if you don't
(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 10:33, Reply)
I do?

OK, I believe you!

(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 11:11, Reply)
You came back to my house in Moseley after meeting

at Sugarfoot in the Bulls Head. Much snorting and munching of teeth ensued.

(ChWag's friend)

'member? StillWant?

(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 14:29, Reply)

You minger... you can't come, I'll only ostracise you (or however you spell that damn word)

Didya have fun on Saturday? the nasty bouncers wouldn't let me or Shu back in :(

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 10:13, Reply)
I wondered where you two had gone!

Night was most excellent, then got messy and complicated but finally a happy 7:30 am ending :)

Will tellya all about it (if Ads doesn't first).

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 17:24, Reply)

Excellent. I even remember most of that evening.

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 15:47, Reply)
I shall endeavour to attend :)

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 12:40, Reply)

This will be ace!

(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 14:28, Reply)

I'd like you to draw a hardcore antelope surfing over the b3tans rocking out to my band =D

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 9:35, Reply)
Sorry chap

I have been offered tickets to the tidy boys on the same night in Brum, might be able to do a beer or two before hand though

(, Mon 15 Jan 2007, 22:05, Reply)
Blimey - I thought they had stopped DJing about a year or so ago

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 9:58, Reply)

I'm missing the Plump DJs for this shitty gig, too.

(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 15:22, Reply)
I am going

please be fluffy?

(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 4:04, Reply)
Fluffy is my middle name.

Well, actually, it's "Balthazaar" - but pretty close. And I am always fluffy. Welcome, new girl! It will be fun.

(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 18:06, Reply)
Right, well.

I've gone and Bought My Train Ticket and everything, so it looks like this one's vaguely official.

Dear Doctor, I vote we attempt to recreate a historic moment (only this time in far more flambuoyant attire, obviously):

...and then I shall place the two side-by-side in my profile*, thus invoking the popular modern phenomenon of 'comedy'.

Oi, Chorizo - you the official Tesco value hotel again? ;)

*the one that seems to have redexed like it's going out of vogue, since I forgot to pay for my webspace this month. Fuckety shitspank.

(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 11:57, Reply)

Yay! T'will be good to see you mate. I might be in white tie, so make sure your hands are clean this time, yeah?

(, Wed 24 Jan 2007, 18:04, Reply)
No part of me is ever clean

but verily i'll keep my festering maulers to myself. ;)

(, Thu 25 Jan 2007, 13:32, Reply)
Alas no

Hotel Wagon is closed for the night as it is a special night for manbloke and me.

I may change my mind on discussion, but for now I'll have to politely decline.

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 15:48, Reply)

Brown wings for Valentine's. That's so sweet.

(, Tue 6 Feb 2007, 16:05, Reply)

(, Wed 7 Feb 2007, 15:04, Reply)
you are a sick puppy

and I hope you're already so drunk you eat your own fingers :P

(, Sat 10 Feb 2007, 19:59, Reply)
Sounds like as good a time as any

to meet you mad bunch of people. Hopefully there'll be older people than I there?!

(, Mon 29 Jan 2007, 18:36, Reply)

We're all younger, every last one of us.

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 15:48, Reply)
That's what I thought


Oh well, it still sounds fun! Sorted out a hotel room nearby and am looking forward to it. How the hell will I know what you all look like?!

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 21:35, Reply)
well, the upstairs room of the pub is hired out for this event

but failing that, look for a fez.

(, Fri 2 Feb 2007, 1:03, Reply)
Ah, the amusing hat thing.

I have a former girlfriend's face I sometimes wear as a hat. Just kidding, I think I can rustle up something amusing.

(, Fri 2 Feb 2007, 11:15, Reply)
We're in ur function r00m...

...wearin ur hatz.

(, Thu 8 Feb 2007, 11:25, Reply)
alright the tidy boys has fallen through

because of birthdays and what not, I am tempted but I would need a (free) place to crash and if possible free parking.

(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 21:37, Reply)
Assuming that I don't die of influenza between now and then I shall be attending

if that's alright with all the other gays in the village!

EDIT: And if anyone has a spare corner somewhere, preferably not too damp, for me to lay my head (or wants to go halves on a hotel room) it would be most appreciated.

(, Thu 1 Feb 2007, 22:08, Reply)
I haven't snogged you in so long....

(, Fri 2 Feb 2007, 1:04, Reply)
Apart from earlier tonight!


(, Sat 3 Feb 2007, 1:09, Reply)
Super ghey

Due to having to go to Moscow on Sunday morning, I will now not be able to attend.

Happy Birthday though, and I'm sure I'll get to meet you all eventually when I'm worthy

(, Wed 7 Feb 2007, 9:23, Reply)
But surely flying to Mocow is best after a night of heavy drinkng?

(, Wed 7 Feb 2007, 12:43, Reply)
There's no way I can do that and get to Heathrow

and keep my job

(, Wed 7 Feb 2007, 21:00, Reply)
cock sucking fuck twat cunty fuck.

Sorry mate I am not able to make it. I'm not seeing my daughter this weekend but I've been working in Peterborough for 5 weeks now and they still haven't sorted out the invoicing so I have nothing left in the bank but petrol money, which I need to get to work.... when they do get the sodding payment sorted (I'm owed over £4k now)then I shall drop you something off your Amazon wish list.... still, I'm sure you'll have your hands full with all the lovely folks still going. Have a nice one and happy birthday dude. And forget ye not 'Voulez-vous un souvenir d'Agincourt??' from your trip to Wyzcheznia (or however the fuck you spell that)... and if you get shandy tops then you shall be a lucky lad indeed.

(, Sat 10 Feb 2007, 14:03, Reply)

» Feb 2007 «